by Lewis E. Thomas

Recently I have been attending one funeral after another!
Someone passing away who was a father, mother, sister, or brother!
In most all funeral services the message of The Cross and Christ is preached!
But many of the folks attending can "never" be spiritually reached!
The Door of Their Heart is "locked and closed" to Spiritual Things!
"Lost souls" who will never "choose" to yield to Jesus, the KING of kings!
"They hear the message of The Cross and salvation preached over and over again!"
And yet they leave each time "unchanged" to "remain" Servants of Sin!
Folks with hearts so "hardened by sin" they cannot yield to Grace!
Folks who are hopelessly blinded by Satan, the god of this world, who hates the Human Race!
"THE UNCHANGED" who will never know the JOY and LOVE OF GOD!
Those who "choose" to remain Slaves and Servants to Sin on the path they trod!
Wayward souls who will suffer Great and Eternal "EVERLASTING" Loss!
Because they just "refuse" to embrace Jesus Christ and what He did for them on The Cross!
The Unchanged...
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 1/17/2018
This poem viewed 114 times before reposting on 8/25/2019


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