by PamFord Davis
Tweet, tweet!
Are you involved in ‘Twitter’ social networking?
I am not but know the power of words in both talking and texting.
“Do not curse the king, even in your thought; Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; For a bird of the air may carry your voice, And a bird in flight may tell the matter (Ecclesiastes 10:20 NKJV).”
We once followed the antics of Tweety and Sylvester the cat. Now, we catch the latest tweets from world leaders, entertainers, family and friends. It seems like many people tweet first, regret later.
“Do not be rash with your mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few. For a dream comes through much activity, And a fool’s voice is known by his many words (Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 NKJV).”
Words… Jesus gave a stern warning.
“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned (Matthew 12: 36-37 NKJV).”
Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.
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