by Lewis E. Thomas


The Jews angered God, following the customs of heathen nations, sacrificing their sons and daughters unto demons and false gods!

We Americans are doing the "same thing" though many will think that statement odd!

We Americans don't sacrifice our children on the alters of Baal today!

We have divised a modern way to worship ole Satan in the same evil way!

We make our human sacrifices on the alters of abortion to cover our acts of sexual lust!

As God looks down on America with total disgust!

"One night stands" are now considered a normal thing!

As we defy and rebell against every moral virtue and code given to us by the King of Kings!

We sacrifice our children to Satan on the bloody alters of Planned Parenthood and other Abortion Mills!

Children who were "conceived" as we satisfied our illicit unholy and unwed sexual thrills!

I watched the hearings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh unfold in horror and disgust!

As the Democrat Party sought to destroy a good man they deemed to be a threat to their bloody "ALTER OF BLOOD AND LUST"!

The Democrat Party cares only about making sure the Alters of Abortion stay open 24/7!

3,500 babies are dismembered each day as they openly defy our Lord in Heaven!

They don't care about our economy, our borders, national security, MS13, or global war!

ABORTION is there "MAIN FOCUS" and what they stand and fight for!

The right for a mother to hire a serial killer to dismember her child one piece at a time!


They want liberal Supreme Court Justices who will be mere "puppets" at "their" command!

They despise the Cross and they have thrown God out of every public place in our land!!


As God "heard" the voice of Able's blood cry out to Him from the ground!

He hears the voice of the blood of "all" the aborted children going up to Heaven with an "INDISCRIBABLE ROAR and SPINE TINGLING SOUND!"


Lewis E. Thomas

As given by God on 9/07/2018

Ref: Psalm 106:


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