by Lupie Riley
Freelance writer Lupie Riley
It's a conspiracy that's deceiving, underhanded and deadly to any nation. When it's people have no way of defense against their enemies they suffer defeat. Think back for a moment when our first American's, the Indians, fought against those who wanted their land. What weapons did they have in their possession? Bow's and arrows against bullets? We know how the outcome of those battles turned out. If America's gun's are confiscated what weapons would we have to fight with? Sticks and rocks?
The globalists and radical socialist left's agenda is to accomplish the disarmament of America. Their doing it right now step by step right before our very own eyes. What is the response from the average American citizen? Apathy, blindness, fear of being politically incorrect and the dumbing down of it's people. Most are too busy making money and spending it on their entertainment, drugs, pornography, material possessions and tech toys. All distractions while the cancer eats away at the very foundation of this great nation at an accelerated pace. The communist agenda to enforce socialism is also working overtime behind the scenes trying to achieve their goal of government dependency through free bee's. They also are aware that the very foundation and strength of a nation is in it's family structure. They have gained momentum in the last 60 years causing huge cracks in the family unit.
The dumbing down of society through the new's media has also been a useful tool turning people away from any moral laws and numbing their conscience as to whats right and wrong, black and white. In the last decade moral rules have reversed. What was considered wrong is now right, black is white and white is black. How could this happen to our great country? Back in 1959, our then leader Eisenhower allocated thousands of dollars to further the education of evolution into all area's of academia. This resulted in masses embracing relativism that was straight out of Satan's playbook. Eliminating God from the world stage through evolution people were now able to recognize their deity and set their own truths without a Creator God's moral laws. They were now their own God in control of their own destiny. This triggered a downhill slide into degradation. Armed with this new wave of consciousness leaders are now able to make laws that can kill a baby at birth without flinching an eye while the sheeple go back to sleep.
How is the disarming of America going to take place? First they pass laws like Colorado that if your diagnosed with an emotional problem you are unstable giving them the right to take away your guns. Don't forget they have access to all your medical records through Cloud so be careful how you fill out those forms in your doctors office. It asks sensitive questions on personal matters and if you check off that you have been feeling sad lately you could be diagnosed as having a mental problem that will be on your medical record. All they have to do is look you up and send out their enforcers to confiscate the only means you have to defend yourself against those who mean harm and have guns that were bought from the black market. Who will they appoint to deem you incompetent and carry out their orders, a new kind of enforcer?
Then we have our military vets returning from a deployment in a war zone who come back to an intense questioning time with a psychologist who tells them their suffering from PTSD. They get a prescription from a physician for mind altering drugs to assists them through the transition period from military to civilian life. Side effects from these depression drugs is suicide. Could that be why there has been an increase in military suicides? Hello people. What happened to some good counseling from a refutable professional? Carrying a diagnose of PTSD automatically categorizes them with a mental disability that allows the goons to confiscate their weapons. These are trained defenders of our freedom that will be left weaponless to fight off an invasion of the enemy. You see the plan more clearly to disarm or kill our hero's? Back to the Indians and their helplessness to defend themselves or their families.
Folks it's time to wake up and come out of your slumber. Smell the smoke, your country is on fire. The enemy knows full well how to subdue a nation that has no way to defend itself. Were living in critical times with globalist leaders changing the system to allow their New World leader, the anti Christ to rule over the masses. Be aware of the NWO and coexist movement. Their goal is to move the sheeple into the pen for mass slaughter if your considered a dissenter. Everyone will worship this world leader because he has brought peace over the land but his intentions are pure Evil. They will find out when it's too late to turn back and that's when heads will fly, literally. America's people need to put God back in their lives and live by His rules if this country is to survive. If not, Judgment will rain upon any nation that has turned their back on God and kicked him out of every aspect of their life. Will we ever learn from history?
Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats. I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years. Working on a book at the present. My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link.
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