Scriptural Reading: Matthew 8:1-4 


‘‘And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.’’ Matthew 8:3 (KJV)


In our fellowship, a brother shared a testimony of how God healed him. According to him, he ate his food and discovered that his stomach started disturbing him for some days and that he saw that his spirit was living him. In a dream, a man wore white and came to him after one or two words and he became healed. When he woke up, the pain in the stomach was gone. The Lord touched him and he was made whole. As many that were sick in the days of Jesus and came in contact with Him were all healed through simple touch and today, Jesus is still in the business of healing the sick and setting people free from various captivities.


Jesus touched the leprosy victim in our text and immediately the victim was healed. The victim displayed humility by worshipping Christ and in return, Jesus demonstrated that anybody at all that comes to Him will not be rejected. Jesus took away the reproach of this individual away just in one day.


God is a compassionate father and He does not want anybody to suffer from pains and that is why He has given Jesus to be the Saviour of humankind. As many that believe in Jesus, though in pains or battling with health challenges will be made whole. Jesus accepts all people.


Have we been managing our health and we have spent great fortunes on doctors all to no avail? There is good news for us if and only if we can believe that Jesus is able to heal us. Here is an anchor scripture we can hold on to for comfort and can apply it for our healing as well. Mark 9:23 (KJV) Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.’ Jesus touches people every day and delivers them from the yoke of bondage.



Dear Lord Jesus Christ, come into my home today and touch every member of my family. Let there be healing, transformation, and breakthrough in our lives today. Amen



Divine touch is a cleanser that makes things work well and it is more than a relief material.

                                                                                                                                                                       -The Writer-         

OGBAJIBREDE Onome is an Evangelist and a Devotional Writer who inspires and encourages people to come closer to God. His Devotional has featured on Exploits Christian Magazine. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution and can be contacted via [email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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