Scriptural Reading: Genesis 26:12-14

Howbeit I believed not their words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom was not told me: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard. II Chronicles 9:6(KJV)

The former President of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who served from 2010-2015 was from a humble background and his parents were not the rich type when he was growing up. At a point in time, he could not afford a pair of shoes, yet he became the president of Nigeria, African’s most populous nation. He was adjudged to be one of the best Nigerian presidents ever. God has a way of announcing the poor and making them ascend to the hilltop of glory and social prominence. Greatness comes from God alone and for those who kill to become great do not live to enjoy its dividends when the chips are down.

Isaac experienced greatness after planting crops in the land that he was and he got a hundred times as much as he had planted. He did not experience stagnancy and he became very great with numerous possessions of flocks and herds. This is the hand of God. Abraham was great; Isaac became greater while Jacob was exceedingly great. God alone can cause greatness to run through a family lineage.

God Almighty is the great rewarder of those that diligently seek him. It does not cost God anything to make a fellow great. He wants us to look up to Him only for greatness without looking elsewhere. The greatness given to a fellow by God lasts and it comes with peace, joy, and quietness in our spirit soul and body.

Do we desire to be great so that we can affect the lives of others positively? Then the way out is to maintain the power of focus and to be diligent in whatever we do, and not to allow people to dictate our destinies for us. Also, we have to run to God and make Jesus our fortress and pray for greatness on a daily basis and apply this scripture as well in our prayers. Psalms 71:21 (KJV) Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.’ God answers prayer


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for the word greatness. It does not cost you anything to make an individual great, make me and my family great as you did to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that we can become a blessing to others. Amen

                         Greatness eases tension and upturns the scale of poverty.

  • The Writer-


OGBAJIBREDE Onome is an Evangelist and a Devotional Writer who inspires and encourages people to come closer to God. His Devotional has featured on Exploits Christian Magazine. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution and can be contacted via [email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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