by Lewis E. Thomas


Have you ever felt "ALONE" as you were standing shoulder to shoulder in the center of a crowd?
Have you ever felt "ALONE" with voices all around you speaking and yelling very loud?
You can be surrounded by multitudes of people without number...
And feel as "ALONE" as one old "logger" out scouting the wilderness, searching for more trees to make lumber!
When I think about that, my heart and mind go quickly to "ONE PLACE"!
I think about my precious "SAVIOR" who hung there on that Cross "ALONE" that I might taste of His "AMAZING GRACE"!
Even Jesus's Father turned away and left Him "ALONE" as he hung there for you and for me!
He was all "ALONE" as he bled, suffered and died there to set the sinner free!
Imagine it all by putting yourself up there on that bloody Cross in your mind!
You and I deserved to be there, but "not" the precious and only Son of "THE DIVINE"!
Jesus loved us so much he endured it all for you and for me!
That we might be saved and "BORN AGAIN" so that we could spiritually see!
He did it so you and I would never have to be "ALONE" ever again!
He did it to save our souls and to set us free from the chains of Sin!
If you are a "TRUE CHRISTIAN" you know exactly what I mean as you close this rhyme!
A "TRUE CHRISTIAN" is never "ALONE" because Jesus is with us "always and forever" and beyond the "END OF TIME!
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 9/1/2019
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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