by Lewis E. Thomas

To disguise oneself and to assume the appearance of something one is not!
As you read this rhyme it might just put "you" on the spot!
As you live your daily life are you transparent and what you "outwardly" appear to be?
Is who you really are "unhidden" and open for all the world to see?
Is your heart as pure within as it outwardly seems to be?
Or are there evil and vile things hiding there that you don't want others to discover or see?
Are you a "Real Christian" as you sit in your Church on your favorite spot upon the pew?
Or are you just a "phony" hoping that no one ever finds out or discovers the "REAL" you?
Millions on Facebook post false photos and lies pretending to be someone they're not!
Is this little rhyme beginning to put you on the spot?
Many wives wear a "Smiling Mask" daily to hide their broken heart within!
Because their husbands neglect them and/or abuse them over and over again!
How about you today on that path you currently trod?
Are you treating your spouse in a way that "DISPLEASES" God?
Do you cause them to wear a mask when they go out, to hide their pain?
If thats the case, you should be very, very, ashamed!
Are you at best just a show, a front, a pretense, illusion, and a sham?
Don't you know that one day we all are going to be "JUDGED" by the "GREAT I AM"?
Are you playing "MASQUERADE" or causing others to wear a mask to hide the pain and grief "you" cause them everyday?
Then you are clearly "not" pleasing God, and you have wondered "far" from that Straight and Narrow Way!
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 8/14/2019
 false display, pretensesimulation
fake, an act, charade, mask, cloak,
facade, veneer, veil
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.


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