Out of the Mouths of Babes God Speaks
by Tonja Taylor

I was irritable, and snapped at my darling three-year-old: "Ask God to forgive you for not minding me! I have a lot to get done and when you don't mind me it takes longer for me to do something!”

I had prayed over her since she was in my womb, dedicated her to the LORD at church on Mother's Day when she was three months old, and taught her to pray from the beginning.

Although I had been married when she was conceived, she had been a surprise, and I had been divorced since she was 10 months old. I knew that every child is a gift, planned by God.

I was determined to raise her for the LORD. 

She started to pray, "Dear Jesus, please make Mommy feel better--"

"Do it now," I insisted. "Ask God to forgive you for not minding me!"

"Dear Jesus, please make Mommy feel better--"

"NO! That's NOT what I said!" I stomped out of the room.

I heard her burst into tears. I rushed back to her and asked her to forgive me for being harsh. The Holy Spirit convicted me that I was trying to make a work out of her prayer, that I was putting performance pressure on her, and that was NOT what prayer was about at all.

Yes, I was a single divorced mom, and yes, there was a lot of pressure. But it wasn't right that I should allow that pressure to make me rude to her! 

I had been very selfish, and rude, to my sweet baby, just because I was not at peace inside. It wasn't really her fault.

We hugged, and she looked at me through her sweet blue eyes, filled with tears. "Mommy, can I pray for you now?"

I hugged her and felt my own tears fall, as my little one wrapped her arms tight around me and prayed, "Dear Jesus, please make my Mommy feel better! Thank You for my mommy, Jesus."

A few days later, she just walked up to me and prayed, "Dear Jesus, please help Mommy get all her work done and help her feel better."

Out of the mouths of our sweet, pure babes, the LORD speaks!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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