LEGACY - Crafting Your Child's Future With Words - Part 5 - Sow Right Seeds
by Tonja Taylor

“The words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times,” says Psalm 12:6.

Indeed, the Word of God is perfect, and when we speak it, it goes forth in power and changes things. 

When we speak God's matchless Word to and over ourselves and our children (the main way we "bless" our children), we are creating a legacy for them that will help give them the best life possible. 

One well-known apostle stated, "Blessing your children is 'results-oriented praying'". It may take a few months or even a few years to see results, but keep on speaking the Word of God. He always works with His Word. 

If you have "faith as a grain of mustard seed," (Matt. 13:31,3217:20) and keep speaking the Word, you will see results!  

Forget the “American Dream.” What you want for your children is Zoe life (The Abundant life Christ gives, as He talks about in John 10:10). We want to be perfect parents for our children, but the only One Who is perfect is Father God, the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens, the earth, and all life. 

Your kids arrive as fertile soil, or as little beings from another planet if you prefer. They are constantly tuned in to what’s going on around them, and absorb like little sponges everything they see and hear. Until they are taught that something is wrong, they have no clue, and they welcome it. Until they are taught not to drink poison, they would drink it and die. Until they are taught not to touch the stove, they would, and burn. Until they are taught not to run in front of the car, they will, and will be destroyed. So what are you doing about that?!

Once when my daughter was 10 (after years of blessing her by me speaking the Word of God over her daily), I corrected her and then had her get in her Bible and read and write Scriptures. Instead of getting mad, she looked at me with shining eyes, and said, "I'm glad I'm growing up like this, Mama!"

One internationally-known preacher stated that we cannot know God through feelings; we must get to know Him through His Word. So when we spend time in God's Word, He will show us His ways and help us be better parents to our precious kiddos; and that includes leading us to certain Scriptures to speak over them at different seasons of their lives, and thus create a legacy to His glory for them. 

I once read that, in the East, eating bread (having a relationship) with one's enemy makes friends and seals a bond of mutual friendship, kindness, and protection of each other. But beware with whom you break bread. As I Corinthians 15:33 says, "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

With whom are your children "breaking bread?". As the parent-figure in your child's life, it is your job to know! You have the right to see and know about every friendship they have, every text and email and phone call and internet and television show in which they participate. You are their guide. They may rebel, but it is your job to teach them about the negative seeds that can be planted in them from corrupt forces. It also your job to plant positive seeds in them on purpose. 

Victorious lives--especially to the glory of God--don't just happen. They must be cultivated on purpose. Consider a plot of land; if you leave it alone, it quickly becomes filled with briars and brambles and snakes. It's the same with your children's lives, only your children's lives are much more important: they are eternal!

Many seeds sprout quickly. Some lie fallow for years, then produce fruit. Some become weeds and briars and weeds that choke and cut and otherwise harm. But the good seeds nourish and multiply and bring a wonderful harvest.

In Mark 4:3-8, and Matthew 13, Jesus explains the Parable of the Sower. When we sow the Word of God by speaking it to and over others (even if they are not present), it goes forth in the power of God. However, depending on the type of "soil," meaning the condition of the spirit and soul of the person being spoken to or about, the seed may not bear fruit as quickly as we would like. 

Another thing to remember is that speaking the Word of God is totally opposite of witchcraft, for that is where words are spoken to control others. God gives every person a free will and when we speak His Word it is not to control others, it is to lead them to a closer relationship with Christ, to help them have the Zoe life He suffered and died to give them! 

So we can speak the Word of God over ourselves first, and it will change us to be even better parents for our children! 

They know in their spirits that, when we pray and speak and live the Word of God, that it is right. Although children can be deceived, their spirits are fresh from God and they have an innate sense of knowing right from wrong, when it comes to blatantly spiritual things. So when they hear and see us speaking and living the Word of God, that makes them feel more safe than anything this world has to offer! 

Speaking the Word of God can include prayer, for speaking the Word as prayers is one of the most powerful effective ways to pray. Another benefit, of course, is that your child(ren) see and hear you speaking the life-changing Word of God. Once when I was a single divorced mom and my daughter was 4, I had obeyed God to move her and me to a new city.

The city was 10 times bigger with lots more traffic. I had a new job, new city, new apartment, and she got sick 3 days after me moving there (the LORD healed her miraculously through prayer of myself and others, praise Him!). It was an extremely hard time. I tocked her to sleep as usual, and had prayed over her. I rose to put her to bed, thinking she was asleep, but she raised her darling head, full of soft curls, and said sleepily, "Don't stop pwayin', Mama!"

Wow! I sat back down. I was amazed that, not only had she heard me pray, but she wanted it, and she wanted more. Her little spirit realized the importance of it, and she was emphatic about it! It was God talking to me! So, after a few minutes, I started praying, and suddenly, much poured out of me that had been pressed down deep inside. The LORD knew I indeed needed to keep praying, and He used my darling baby to help cleanse and heal my soul! Praise Him!

Now, my sweet daughter is almost 23, freshly graduated from university, and about to be married to a strong Christian man whom she met over 8 years ago at church camp and has been friends with all these years. Two decades later, her cry of "Don't stop pwayin,' Mama!" still works! I pray for her and bless her by speaking the Word of God over her daily. Sometimes I lay my hand on her picture. Sometimes I praise the LORD and dance with her photo as I praise Him.

She has had many challenges to overcome, but she, as I declare often over her, "loves righteousness and hates wickedness, and thus the LORD has anointed her with the oil of joy above her fellows," as Hebrews 1:9 states.  I have seen much evidence of the Word of God working in her, and I know that, as she marries and has her own family, I will see much more. Praise be to God for His faithfulness to His Word and us who speak it!

One thing you can be sure of forever: The Word of God is an incorruptible seed, and it will always bring a good harvest! 

Isaiah 55:10-11 (AMPC) states, "10 For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

HALLELUJAH! The LORD our God always means what He says! He cannot lie! He is the Truth! 

"Heaven and earth are passing away, but My Word will never pass away," says the LORD, in Matthew 24:35:  "Sky and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away."

The Word of God is unchanging, unfailing, and eternal. So we can change temporary circumstances and conditions by speaking His Word and helping create the excellent legacy He wants for our children! 

Admit you're not the perfect parent--but God is. Point your baby to Him! Tell them when you're wrong and apologize. Let them see you get in His Word and speak it aloud over yourself and them and others. Let them see that you depend on God, and that you know He hears and helps you when you ask Him.  Let them see YOU praise Him and rejoice before Him, and talk to Him and adore Him!

Speak the Word and live it, and you'll sow the most powerful legacy-creating seeds in your children that can be planted--and what marvelous fruit will be produced! 

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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