LEGACY - Crafting Your Child's Future With Words - Part 7 - Faith Persists
by Tonja Taylor

God's will is that He wants done on earth what is done in Heaven. That is His will. He is persistent in insisting to every Believer that His will be done on earth, and His will is always for our best and His glory.

Faith works where the will of God is known.

So how do we know God’s will? We know God’s will by reading it—the Holy Bible. It is His “Last Will and Testament” and Jesus died on the cross for all people (Johh 3:16) that they might be saved, and then rose again forever (Mark 6:16) so that the Will of God would be carried out.

When God created the earth by speaking it into existence (Genesis 1), then created Adam and Eve with His hands and put them in the Garden of Eden, His will was that they have a wonderful life. The enemy (satan) came and deceived them and they lost the power and authority, and the enemy started bringing evil and destruction into the earth, planning to destroy them and all of God’s good work.

But praise the LORD, He insisted on being persistent and—in His great mercy—setting things right again for His most precious creation—people! He wanted sons and daughters who would have a free will to choose (by faith!) to love and serve Him. So he sent Jesus, His unique and pure and perfect only Son, to live and die a horrible death to pay for all sins of mankind forever, that—when each of us chooses by faith to believe what Christ Jesus did and receive it—that we could start enjoying again the real life Father God wanted all humans to enjoy from the start!

Praise the LORD for His faith in us, and for His persistence! If He didn’t have faith, He wouldn’t have spoken the world into being for us, and if He didn’t have faith in us and for us, He certainly never would have sent Jesus to pay for the terrible, putrid,revolting, depraved dark sins of all mankind!

So, when we get born again by faith—trust--in the LORD Jesus Christ, then we receive the gift and privilege of creating good by speaking God’s Word. We are speaking spirits who now can understand the Word of God by His Spirit of Christ inside us helping us and guiding us on which Scriptures to speak over our children, and for various seasons of their lives.

He also helps us be persistent in speaking His Word over our kids, because He knows that, many times in this world, it seems that “nothing is happening.” But His Word always works. It never returns empty, but accomplishes that for which He sends it (Isaiah 55:11,12). His Word is alive (Heb. 4:12)!

Let this Scripture encourage you to speak the Word of God in faith—and be persistent—over your children (and yourself, and anyone else the LORD shows you!): 1 John 3:22, (AMPC),And we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we [[a]watchfully] obey His orders [observe His suggestions and injunctions, follow His plan for us] and [[b]habitually] practice what is pleasing to Him.”

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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