Bless Your Kids With Your Words
by Tonja Taylor

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] John 16:33, (AMPC)

LORD, I need more faith. Please give me more faith! I prayed.

Softly came the reply, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," said my Father. 

That was almost 14 years ago.  

My faith has been built since then, by hearing the Word of other preachers and worship music--and by speaking it as The Blessing over my child and my husband and myself and others; by singing it; by preaching it to others; and by writing it (which is another way we "hear" it and speak the Word!). 

Your faith--and your child's--will be built the same way. So speak the Word--The Blessing--over your children and yourself! They will hear it, you will hear it, and others around will hear it (especially when the delightful phenomenon of your children speaking it to others and back to you occurs!)--and every time it's spoken and heard, the living eternal Word of God will be working to shape their lives and yours (and the others who hear it!) for Christ! (This includes when we read the Word or see it otherwise, for we "hear" it in our minds!)

In the Old Testament, a father's blessing was priceless, so prized that it could cause men to scheme to steal the blessing from one another, and worse (Genesis 27). It was a prediction of the future of the one over whom the father's words were spoken. It was the most precious legacy a child could receive, far above the servants and flocks and herds.

The Blessing Under the New Covenant

Today, under the New Covenant created by the shed blood of Jesus the Christ, we women who have accepted the LORD have been made priestesses. With respect to the husbands being the head of their households as ordered by God, the New Covenant empowers the Word of God spoken by mothers over their children to have as much impact as those their fathers would say.

The most important thing is that the children are blessed daily, whether by father or mother, or, preferably, both, for unity is essential to the total success of the family, to the success of the covering, the protection, remaining intact. A break in the covering allows the enemy access to your kids, but the Word of God defeats him. As Jesus answered when He was tempted by the devil, "It is written..." (Matthew 4; Luke 4). The Sword of the Spirit is the answer!

The Word of God is not chained, does not return empty, and accomplishes that for which it is sent by God. Speaking God's Word over any person--including yourself!--sets positive changes in motion that cannot be defeated nor contained! Hallelujah!

Jesus’ Work is Finished – Now It’s Our Turn!

According to Pastor Tracy Harris of Harvest International Ministries, the work of Jesus Christ is finished. He's already done all He is going to do. The rest is up to us. If we want the future to be better, it is our responsibility to shape our children to be their spiritual best.

Our words are much more powerful than we might think, and it is the privilege and duty of us as parents to speak the Word of God over our children daily--both defensively and offensively. Our enemy the devil was defeated 2000 by King Jesus; by speaking the Word of God, we enforce that defeat.

The Meaning of the Blessing

The saints of old knew the power of the blessing of a parent. Usually the blessing came from the father, the spiritual leader of the family.

" Blessing," according to Webster's dictionary, means: 1. The act or words of a person who blesses. 2. Special favor, mercy, or benefit (the blessings of liberty). 3. A favor or gift bestowed by God. 4. The invocation of God's favor upon a person: The father gave the son his blessing. 5. Praise, devotion, or worship, especially grace said before a meal. 6. Approval.

Blessing means, then: "The communication of good intentions. normally from a superior to an inferior. Blessing was regarded as a purposeful effective act, not merely a social form."

For this writing, we will focus on meaning #4: "The invocation of God's favor upon a person." There is nothing archaic or foolish/silly about saying a blessing over your children; you actually do it every day when you say, "God bless you!" and "I love you!" and "You are so special" or "You are really good at that!"

The Power of Our Words

And, conversely, you curse if you speak negative things over them. So stop doing that! "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21. Most of us have had to overcome years of negative things our parents and other adults spoke over us; we've had to deprogram ourselves from the junk by washing our minds with the cleansing water, the life-giving, everliving Water, of the Word. Praise God for freedom to read and speak God's Word in this country!

I have been blessing my daughter for over four years now, every day, and she is proof that speaking the Word of God over her has powerfully shaped her life to His glory. Of course, it is also vital that we parents live lives that glorify God and teach our children to do the same.

Our faith when we speak The Blessing--God's Word, which He makes available to us in so many forms
(and the Bible is the best-selling Book of all time, in the world!) invokes God’s power—the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His (own) right hand in the heavenly places. (Eph 1:19, Acts 4:13, Joshua 1:9)

Hallelujah! Speak The Blessing over your children, yourself, and your other loved ones daily!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God--via books, presentations, community and global service, podcasts, YT channels ("River Rain Creative" and "POWERLight Learning"), and more. JESUS IS LORD! 

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