On A Hill Far Away
by Linda Jackson

Lord there is a mountain You have chosen

Used by Your children year after year

A place satan has also been

Where You work Lord, he is ready to interfere


David knew of this hill

In pain of heart for a deceitful son

Barefoot and weeping, climbing

Seeking a place to rest, yet needing to run

Hiding on a hillside under sheltering trees

A covering for thousands of years to come


Satan ever watching pulls Solomon into his grasp

He, son of David, man of God, disobeys

Warned, letting his wives plan the way

Demon lies are strong as Solomon worships at their feet

A high place is needed erecting statues of stone

Solomon calls on demons to meet

Dark ones, destestable, chemosh and moleck

Spirits of sorcery, adultery, and child sacrifice

Praised where on day would walk the Son of Life


Lord, You see and move

Josiah, You raise to honor the One true God

In Your power he tears down the evil stones

Worshipers confusingly moan

On a mountain near Jerusalem is the ground evil took

Then idols pulled down, broken, pounded to dust

Thrown into the Kidron brook


The Kidron, a path for thousands of years

A  place known for the dead

Now the dust of loathsome carvings of fear

Add to the corruption and decay

Lord You have walked there Yourself

Remembering Solomon and Josiah's ways

You warn us, our battle isn't against flesh and blood

Be aware of the army that's around and above


Ezekiel how you must have been amazed

The magnificent sights you were allowed to see

The Lord's glory over the hill near Jerusalem did raise

Ezekiel did His light expel the darkness of the Kidron as it flowed?

How could your heart comprehend all that was shown?


Lord later when You walked this hill in human form

Did Your memory reflect on Ezekiel's blessed account?

Your magnificent glory compressed into a man

Waiting, looking,toward Jerusalem

Sending word as You watched nearby

A place where spirits of evil statues would spin their lies

They knew the town below is where You placed Your Name

The darkness watching for Your next move

Not expecting their doom


Teaching is needed for Your chosen men

A special hillside, time to speak words of wonder

A message of future darkness and lies

Death to come and glorious life

Confusing speech for the seen and unseen

Minds overwhelmed with fear, asking what does this mean?

Here You are Lord, where Ezekiel saw Your glory stand

God a human, leading Your creation of man

Your power not diminished, the demons knew this well

The disciples perplexed, not aware of the great events they would tell


The upper room, loving fellowship, even with the dishonest  one

Time to leave, a slow pace through the valley of hopelessness

You and Your men trudging upward from Jerusalem

Seeking a peaceful grove in which to rest

A garden, alone, separated, A Father's will be done

Lord do images of the evil ones enter into Your thoughts?

Idols of the past, now swirling darkness, hover and watch

Turmoil, the ememy arrives

Men, deceived, armed with clubs and swords

Ones who had watched You heal and restore

Hate and fear combines even as today

Your word being fulled as the disciples ran away


Going from Jerusalem, "outside the camp"

Burdened with the beam of mankind's lies

Crossing the Kidron, to the hill where You had cried


On the cross did You think of the altar so near?

One where ashes of a red heifer would purify from sin

You knew Your perfect life needed to heal our deepest fear

The world forces of darkness, no one can truly know

Spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies grow

All churning in hope of becoming idols to be adored

They watched as You were placed in this garden tomb

For thousands of years darkness tried to own this hill

But holy light of resurrection power over came the grave

And You Lord walked among Your loved ones again

For many days You visit with Your children

How blessed and thankful they must have been

Seeing the scars on feet and hands, payment for their sins

Time for You to go, Your followers not sure why

Gathering on the mountain where by a kiss You were betrayed

Now on a glorious cloud You were taken away

Gone into heaven, as the angel explained

And how You will return one unexpected day


Lord over and over You speak of an eastern mountain

Throughout history where light and darkness has laid claim

Zechariah was given a vision of when You come again

And on that Day

I will be there somewhere, somehow

So excited seeing the beauty of Your glorious cloud

On the

Mount of Olives

Where many spiritual battles have raged

You will take Your stand

The ground will shake the mountain split

Through the universe Your Name will ring

All people, all angels, all demons, all creatures will know

That You have come to claim the hearts of Your own

I will be with You, made holy by Your blood

What a breath taking sight

A mountain ruptured, a valley born

Preparing for Jerusalem to come


Lord You have blessed me in my world of now

Reading Your word brings comfort

Knowing You have the perfect plan

Night and Day will battle

Until You take Your stand


Every knee shall bow

Every tongue confess

How easy that will be for me

Every tongue shall confess

Every knee bow

There will still be one who wants Your crown


2Sam 15:30;1K 11:7;2K 23:4-14;Ep 6:14;Eze 11:23;

Mat 21:1,24;26:30,47-56;Lk 21:37;Acts 1:9-12;Phil 2:10-11

Num 19;Jn 19-41;Heb 13:10-13




My name is Linda Jackson. I am a blessed wife, mother and grandmother.  I am a Biblical counselor and teacher to women in jail.  I also teach kindergarten Sunday school.  I enjoy writing, playing in the yard with my plants and doing cross stitch while watching football.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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