The Ultimate SOS
by Mark Nickles

            I believe our society, even our world, is looking for help it can’t seem to find. Wars, persecution, crime, broken families, damaged relationships…, misery seems to abound, and most don’t seem to know where to find help. I believe that our world is sending out an SOS.

            Now, here is the good news: No less than the God of the universe hears the cry of our world! God has tremendous love and concern for us, and desires to rescue ANY who would come to Him through Jesus Christ. However, a person must intentionally send out that “SOS”. Let’s examine what that means.

            “S” is for “Seeing your sin”. Romans 3:23 tells us that EVERYONE has sinned, failing to meet God’s standard for righteousness. We are all in the same boat; we need forgiveness of our sin and reconciliation to God, but are unable to do it on our own. Without Jesus, we are in a state of rebellion toward God, doing what we desire, instead of what He desires.

            “O” is for “Observing Jesus’ work on your behalf”. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 we read that Jesus “had no sin”, but became “sin for us”. This is referring to His willingly dying on the cross for your sin and mine, that we might be considered righteous (blameless, faultless) by God.

            The second “S” stands for “Surrendering your life to Jesus”. Jesus said in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” The Bible teaches that the Christian life is one of daily “reporting” to Jesus as our King, putting our own desires behind us, and seeking His will for our lives. This thought worries some, because they fear that Jesus will take all of the fun out of their lives; however, nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus said He came so that, through Him, people could have life “to the full” (John 10:10). This statement includes the reality of heaven, as well as God’s grand design for us in this life.

            If you feel hopeless, and think there is no help for you, send out your SOS. Any Bible-teaching church in your local area would love to help!

Mark Nickles is a husband, father of three, and a pastor in Northeastern Oklahoma. Copyright, Mark A. Nickles.

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