Things Jesus Could Have Done (That Weren't Written Down)
by Tonja Taylor

John 21:25 The Passion Translation (TPT) says that, "Jesus did countless things that I haven’t included here. And if every one of his works were written down and described one by one, I suppose that the world itself wouldn’t have enough room to contain the books that would have to be written!"

It occurred to me one day years ago that (potentially, which means it could have been), Jesus’ followers finally caught on with great faith to what He'd been preaching, so that, where Jesus used to be able to get in a boat and teach because the people would press Him on the land, then He suddenly had to have an oarsman to row Him to get away from the walking-on-the-water disciples trying to (once again) press as close as possible to Him.

Right after that, it occurred to me that if they ever learned to run on water, He’ would need a speed boat to stay ahead of His disciples! 

Jesus really does have a great sense of humor! 

Once, I was having some negative emotions, and decided to drive a while, pray in the Spirit, worship, and go get some hormone-free ice cream. It was about an hour's drive away. I started feeling a bit guilty and wondered if I should not do it, and the LORD helped me understand in my heart (as only He can do, when you have His sweet Holy Spirit in you from the moment you receive Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD!) that I was pregnant--and pregnant women often crave ice cream! 

(Let me clarify that I am in my 50s and although I love my husband very much and we have a great marriage, I am definitely not pregnant physically! That would be miracle, and there has only been one pregnancy that happened that way (When the Holy Spirit overshadowed the virgin Mary with the LORD Jesus), and that was not me! But I am spiritually pregnant, which means I have great dreams that the LORD, the Most High God, has birthed in my heart, and wants to bring into the earth! That's another article, so I won't address that here! But spiritual pregnancy is as real as physical pregnancy, and I'll have to write about that later!)

The LORD Jesus humbled Himself, laid aside His deity, came to earth to be born of the virgin Mary, and lived on earth as a human for 33 years: 

He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion! - Philippians 2:8, TPT

He did this so He could make a way for all people to escape hell and death and be with Him in Heaven, and so He could understand everything we would ever go through, and thus serve effectively as our wonderful High Priest, Who ever lives to intercede (pray) for us, as Hebrews 7:25 (ESV) states:

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25, ESV

Our God Jesus is alive forever! Although He was crucified for all mankind to pay for the sins of every person--because we could never pay that debt to the Father God, Who created us to be holy (John 3:15-17), Jesus was resurrected and taken to Heaven, where He prays for us. When our bodies die, our spirits go to be with Him and the Father in Heaven (Paradise) forever, if we have received Christ Jesus as our Savior and LORD. 

If you want to receive Christ Jesus now, just choose to believe and pray this out loud: Dear Jesus, thank You for dying for me on the cross and paying for my debt of sin that I could never pay! I know that You are the only Savior, the only Way to Heaven, and I need You to please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me, and come into my heart and be my Savior and LORD. I receive You and thank You and am so excited to become part of the Royal Family as a child of the Father God! Thank You so much and help me get to know You in the Holy Bible, God's love Letter to me! Thank You that Your Spirit will now be in my heart helping me to understand how to be like You. I love You already! In Your Name, amen!

Now, you are going to have quite an adventure! You have just made the best decision of your life, so congratulations! 




Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

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