by Linda Jackson

Age after Age Lord, Your children disobey

You discipline, hoping ears will turn Your way

The voice of joy and gladness taken, laughter might remain

Yet deep down one knows it's not the same


As of old if we don't respond

Will the voice of the bridegroom be gone?

Will the beauty of the bride disappear?

Leaving white pasty tracks of tears

Will the sound of grain producing mills stop?

Voices of concern over dying crops

Year after year listening to the voices of men

The lamp and light are beginning to dim

Plans of men like mighty cedars stand

Lord, Your voice splits their strength like kindling on the land

Your whispered voice in the storm, hewing out flames of fire

Looking up breathless, seeing streaks across the sky

Are they so far gone that they don't realize why?


And what about me?

Do I need You to shake me?

To bring me to my knees

A reminder of who You are

For You will do what You please

Your voice lingers on pages of old

Do I dare go back and hear what my eyes have read?

Written words of love and hope

Reading how Your voice crashed and thundered on ocean waves

Instructiong its course

Memories of wanting You to stay


Surely my attention will be turned from self

When my wilderness begins to shake

Warnings whirling in my thoughts

A barren land of painful mistakes

Yet how beautiful and soft is Your voice

When You make the deer to calve

A voice that can turn and strip the forest bare

How gloriously powerful

Yet tenderly You care


Help me Lord to remember what I have learned

How Your voice divided waters, as You sat as King

Strengthening Your people

Leading them from Pharaoh's voice

Even now I must think on such things

When You speak it will be done

Comforted as I recall the voice of the Shepherd

And how my heart He won


May I never serve the voice of today's Babylon

Suggesting fallen humans to turn to him in prayer

This spirit of desolation will willingly come

May I stand bold, pointing the desperate to Your care

Sharpen my sword to pierce the darkest heart

Surrond me with angel voices, demanding demons to depart

Joyfully we'll sing of Your power and might

A chorus rippling across the land

Watching for the fallen to look up

Reaching to take You by the hand


Ps29;115:3; Jer 25:8,10-11

Eph 6:12-18

My name is Linda Jackson. I am a blessed wife, mother and grandmother.  I am a Biblical counselor and teacher to women in jail.  I also teach kindergarten Sunday school.  I enjoy writing, playing in the yard with my plants and doing cross stitch while watching football.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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