Protein and Immunity
by Tonja Taylor

If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. -- James 1:5 (AMPC)

Yes, I discovered, just last night, when I researched whether protein affects immunity--it certainly does!  Protein is actually very important to immunity, because it concerns amino acids, antibodies, and more. 

No wonder!  After years of not only eating mostly organic and non-GMO (genetically modified) foods, plus taking supplements and eating several protein bars a week (instead of candy bars or cookies), plus an occasional protein powder smoothie or drink, I had stopped the protein bars and powder.

Wrong move. 

However, the LORD knows my heart. The only reason I'd stopped eating the delicious bars and excellent protein powder, loaded with probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, and more, is because my heart had become convicted to not support the company that had bought out the original company. My spirit was not at peace with the practices of the company that now produced the items--although the founder had been a doctor of nutrition who very much loved the LORD. 

Of course, even having suffered a cold (I never get colds!) last evening, and going to bed with a stuffy nose and a few tissues--just in case my nose dripped, I took the bit of protein powder I had left and mixed it with some almond milk, to get it in my body to build my immunity.

The main thing, of course, is that I depend on the Word of God. The Word of God always works, and I speak healing Scriptures over myself and loved ones daily. The Word dwells in me richly and bears much fruit, and is health and healing to all our flesh, and marrow and moistening to my bones (Proverbs 3:8, AMPC). 

The LORD has already healed us when He died on the cross to save us from all sin and death and hell (John 3:15-17; Matthew 9:13). Healing is part of our Covenant with Him through our faith in the blood of Christ (Isaiah 54:10, Romans 10:13).

So I know that I and my body and my soul, and every part of my life, is already healed, for I believe in Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior.

There is a devil loose in the earth right now (but his time is very short!) who afflicts us whenver he can, so if he gets a shot at us, we can ask the LORD our Father (as long as we have received Christ as Savior, then God--the LORD Jehovah, Yahweh--is our Father and Jesus is our Brother, Savior, LORD, best Friend, and Advocate with the Father) to give us wisdom. 

He loves to give us wisdom! He gives freely to us, as James 1:5 says!

So when I asked Him for wisdom--for it is not His will that we suffer in any way, because Jesus suffered on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) and made us new in Him--He gladly gave it. He wants us to succeed and have Heavenly life on earth!

The wisdom He gave me is to find another source of protein bars and powder and replenish the abundant protein I had been feeding my body. That will raise my immunity and allergies will plague me no more--yet I will always remember not to put my faith in the protein, but in the God of Heaven, my Daddy God, Who created protein, created my body to utilize it, and gave me the wisdom to feed it to this vessel which serves Him in earth. 

He is so good!

(You are His child if you have received Jesus, and you can ask Him for wisdom about every part of your life. Go for it. He is waiting eagerly to talk to you!) 


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God, via books; presentations; church, community, and global service; podcasts; YT channels ("River Rain Creative" and "POWERLight Learning"); and more. JESUS IS LORD! 

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