by Olawale Ogunsola

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
to God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:19 NKJV.


The above quoted verse was offered by Apostle Paul to Believers in Rome. The above expression works and it will always work, most especially in the home front.


Marriage is full of give and take. Whoever believes that he is in a marriage relationship only to take has missed it all and is not fit nor proper to be found in a marriage setting whatsoever. So, anyone who wants a marriage that will be termed "successful" should be prepared to give what she has to offer from his God-given treasures to sustain and maintain a happy home for the rest of his/her life. However, in a marriage, most people want to take only and are not ready to give, marriage does not work that way.


In marriage, there is no way you will not be confronted with one form of situation or condition which will demand your sacrifice. You will have to pay dearly for certain things to keep your home safe.


Sacrificial method work in any marriage. What does this sacrifice entail? It is not offering bulls or any form of animals or birds but it involves forgoing your personal comfort, pleasure and interest to ensure that your home is not shaken or uprooted.


Let me give you an illustration from the life of a woman. Let me not fail to state here that it is not only a woman who should offer one form of sacrifice or another. It is both persons involved. It may require two to sacrifice or either of them.


Now, to the story of the woman. She was married to a man she knew well she loved. On getting home, that is after their wedding anniversary, she knew fully well that her man loved to drink alcohol. After working hours, this man would not go home to rest. He was a register member of many club houses that harbour people like him.


She knew during courtship that he used to take alcoholic drinks but was not aware of the attachment he had with it. Now, it downed on her that she had to dwell with such a fellow forever.


Do you know what? This woman determined to do all within her means to "call him back home". She was convinced that nagging, fighting and other confrontational approach will surely fail, she purposed to tread softly.


The first day she took the first step, she went to invite her man at closing time to inform him that his mother has arrived home and that she was anxious to see him. As his mother's pet, she went home with his wife.


On arrival at home, she served the man with his best delicacy telling him that his mother promised to visit another son in another area of the city to be back the following day. By that time there was no mobile phones to confirm or dispute such claims.


As soon as the husband finished eating, she served him bottles of his preferred beer. The husband was happy that she could do this. He jubilated because he had an 'understanding wife' who will not be confrontational. He drank it until he could not drink any. Do you know what? She bought the beer with her hard - earned money. Is not that a sacrifice?


She did this continuously and consistently for a week or two until the man will come immediately after closing from office.


This wife has gone through the time of packing of vomit of the man on several occasions. Is this not a sacrifice too? At the end of the day, this man left drinking anything alcoholic to embrace fruit juices and related products. All because of the woman's sacrifices, can you do the same?


It is funny that young men and women who are single are busy looking for a PERFECT PARTNER that is not available anywhere but in Heaven, who is ready to go there to get a husband? There is no room for marriage in Heaven but only here on earth. Is the person looking for Mr or Miss Perfect perfect himself or herself?


Sacrificial method had played serious roles in settling so many Incompatibility problems in marriages, employ it to retain your happy home.
Stay blessed and prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
NOTE : Bible verses quoted are from New James Version (NKJV)

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites www.4thlink.wordpress.com and www.peacelink.wordpress.com for more quality contents.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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