by Lewis E. Thomas HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE?
Roman soldiers finished beating Jesus with a "CAT OF NINE TAILS" as he was shackled to a post!
Jesus survived the bloody beating only because he was filled with the power of the "HOLY GHOST"!
They forced Jesus to carry his Cross through the city up to Golgotha's Hill!
Roman soldiers ordered Simon to help Jesus bear that Cross because it was the Father's will!
Soldiers nailed Jesus to that Cross with rusty spikes that pierced his hands and his feet!
Satan "danced" around the scene because his evil plans were almost "COMPLETE"!
The Soldiers erected three Crosses placing Jesus between two thieves for all to see!
One thief mocked Jesus, while the other thief was saved when he cried out "LORD, REMEMBER ME"!
Jesus's innocent blood ran down from his crown of thorns into his eyes, and on down His face!
As He suffered there he "SHOWED" the whole world His Sweet Amazing Grace!
As Jesus hung there dying on that old rugged Cross for me and for you...
It grew dark, for three hours the Sun in the sky refused to shine and darkness intensified!
Then the ground shook violently after Jesus said "It is finished" and that final breath left the CRUCIFIED!
A Roman Soldier checked to see if Jesus was dead by shoving a spear head up into his side!
And Jesus's Father looked down on it all through "MANY TEARS" of agony and pride!
God sent His only Son down from Heaven to die on that Cross for me and for you!
So that all who repent and believe on Jesus could escape Hell, by being forgiven and made completely "NEW"!
Woe be unto your soul if you neglect so great a salvation purchased with the innocent blood of Christ!
Woe be unto your soul if you refuse to love, to embrace, and to serve the "PEARL OF GREAT PRICE"!
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 8/22/2020
Ref: Hebrews 2:3
How shall we ESCAPE if we neglect so great salvation?
Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
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