by Lupie Riley THY ROD AND THY STAFF Freelance writer Lupie Riley
Thought: The 23rd Psalms is full of promise and hope. We follow after the Good Shepherd who leads us to those places of quiet rest. He restores our faith and leads us on paths of righteousness. We will walk with Him through those dark, fearful places of troublesome times and not fear death. His rod and staff will protect us from the enemy and keep us from going astray. He will give us a daily overflow of blessings and we will live in His presence forever.
The one weapon the Shepherd does not leave without is his rod and staff. It not only protects his sheep (me and you) and calls them by their name, but delivers them from evil. The rod and staff is also a sign of authority. Moses used it to bring water from a rock and a snake that consumed the magicians attempts to duplicate what God had done.
Jesus presence within us is guaranteed that he will give us peace, comfort and hope for a better future. In the days ahead, we should not be looking with fearful hearts as to what’s coming in a world filled with violence and hate but WHO’s coming when the trumpet blows. Are you ready to meet the Lord in the air?
Prayer: Father God, we have that assurance that you will always be with us in times of trouble and you know us by our name. HOPE in your promises is the ROCK (Jesus) we stand on. Your Word is the final authority in all things. Amen
Verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:6-7
Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats. I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years. Working on a book at the present. My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link. Article Source: |
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