Evil Did Not Drown God's Love Did Not Die
by Linda Jackson

Once water filled the lungs of all on earth

Except for a few locked in a small boat

With death floating, bumping on all sides

Hearing screams and then no sound

Yet as we know evil did not drown


Waiting until humanity multiplied

Then sin whispered into fallen hearts

Wickedness took root

Some feared God and said no

Others blinded by pride, said yes and gave it life

Then practice caused sin to thrive

Nightly thoughts of of snake hatchling schemes

Venom strong, they will not turn

To destroy good is what they yearn


The spirit of divination hovers

Before the flood and now

Waiting for man to despise one another

As nations fall and rise

God's people will have to decide

Will they follow their fallen nature

Practicing witchcraft

The Lord over the centuries has had to ask


Year after year the dark spirit has lied

Deceiving so many hearts

Our Lord hears, sees, and declares

He will tear off magic bands and veils

Also all wardrobes witches encourage many to wear

Divining lies caused grief to the righteous ones

Many wander, confused

The wicked's comfort is in vain

Evil knows who is Lord

And that He rescues His own

In the end the Lord will reign


The darkest of spirits have entered many since our fall

Jezebel, Manasseh examples

One lost, one humbly returns remembering the Lord's call

Over and over the Lord stresses do not practice the evil of the witch

Be alert for they enter through church doors

They smile while telling sweet lies

Like the serpent at the tree

Singing in our midst

Yet to demons they bend their knee


But once in all eternity evil held its breath

The King of Kings on a cross

Would He fail the test?

Demons blinded by Holy Light

Knew then they would never rest

The wicked became more wicked

Continuing to fight


How precious are the words of love

The Lord mingles through darkening hate

Reading of unfailing, vastly faithful love

Means little just to say

Lord, You being alive in me

I know Your love remains

In my mind I see Your arms holding tight

Casting Your shadow

That deflects the pain of night

Drinking the abundance of Your Word

May I drown in the River of Your Delights

Refreshing as darkness abounds

Overwhelmed knowing

That in Your Light

I see Light

As I walk through terrors

Keeping You in my sight


For Evil Did Not Drown


God's Love Did Not Die


Ps 36

Acts 16:16;Deut 18:14;

Ezek 13:20-23;Zec 10:2;2K 9:22;2Chr 33:6

My name is Linda Jackson. I am a blessed wife, mother and grandmother.  I am a Biblical counselor and teacher to women in jail.  I also teach kindergarten Sunday school.  I enjoy writing, playing in the yard with my plants and doing cross stitch while watching football.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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