How to Dream
by Tonja Taylor

And one night the Lord said to Paul in a vision, Have no fear, but speak and do not keep silent;--Acts 18:9, AMPC

God is the ultimate Dreamer. After all, He dreamed and then He created--and He can give and work through our dreams to help us create a wonderful life of Heaven on earth! He is a darling, faithful, loving, and kind Daddy God (if we have received His Son, Jesus, as our LORD and Savior!), Who wants to help fulfill our dreams--to the max! 

Sometimes it may be hard to remember that. 

You may have heard various people who insist that, when we get pictures of what we want and write it down and think about it every day, we will get those things. 

I used to scorn such ideas, but it's been proven many times--even in my own life!--that, what we put in front of our eyes and think about often gets into our spirits, our hearts (some would say, "psyches"), and directs the paths of our lives! That is one reason we must be sure that we are dreaming things that are in alignment with the Word of God!

If a dream is not of God, it will not come to pass for a Believer--or it will not get very far.  We do have a free will, to choose, however. However, when we align ourselves and dreams with God, we are unstoppable! For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome, 4 because everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith. Who then overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.--I John 5:3-5,-- Berean Study Bible  

Although not everything I've desired has yet come to pass, many things have, and I now make my own Vision Boards. 

It has also been proven by different authorities that people who write down their goals accomplish many of them, which is a much higher percentage of those who don't write them down. 

Thank goodness the LORD had various men in different parts of the world, in different times, "write the Vision" of the Holy Bible and put forth God's Vision; His perfect Will for mankind! 

I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the ramparts. I will watch to see what He will say to me, and how I should answer when corrected. Then the LORD answered me: “Write down this vision and clearly inscribe it on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision awaits an appointed time; it testifies of the end and does not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it, since it will surely come and will not delay." --Habakkuk 2:1-3, Berean Study Bible

Part of the reason that writing down one's goals is effective is because there is a physiological connection between our hands and minds when we write things down.  You may have noticed this when you write a grocery list, or a "to-do" list. Usually, these things are on your mind anyway, but sometimes there are several things on the list. 

I'm a writer and a note-taker anyway, and lists are important to me. (Another way to do this is to send yourself emails or texts (by audio or typing) to remind you about things.  

But let's get back to dreaming. 

Most of us have had several disappointments in life. We have to learn how to trust the LORD; to lean on Him and let Him draw us close to Him so He can heal our hearts. Jesus understands totally--more than we can know! He is the One Who gives us dreams and helps us to realize them. 

One thing that has greatly helped me to dream again--even when my mind is going, "This will never work out! It's too big! You've tried things before and failed! You've wasted money and time and effort, and what do you have to show for it?! Give it up!"--is to do what God once told me: Take the emotion out of it and just do it! 

In other words, I go by faith. Faith is not a feeling, and actually has nothing to do with it, thank goodness! We like the feelings to match, but faith is actually a decision, a choice--and as one preacher said, "Choices change things.

So one way to do this, to dream again, is to pretend you are advising your precious kiddo or other loved one--even a stranger who just starts sharing her dream and how she doesn't know if it will ever happen. "Of course you can do this!" you tell them. "Believe in God, and believe in yourself. He loves you and will help you. The God of Heaven will give you success--Nehemiah 2:20!"

Why in the world would we have total confidence--faith--that others can achieve their dreams, when we haven't been sure about our own?  I think it's condemnation--feeling guilty--cause we know our weak spots and how we haven't done all the things we already tried, or at least not as well as we'd planned. The devil (he's a liar and totally jealous of us, cause he wanted to be like God, but we are--made in His image and likeness!) is right there to discourage us, too. 

But God is for us and none can be against us! God will help us! He is our Covenant Partner and we are, once we've received Christ Jesus as our Savior and LORD (John 3:15-17), His precious Kiddos! He sees us through the blood of Jesus, and He loves us as much as He loves Jesus His Son! (Remarkable, I know, but God is Love--I John 4:8--and He never lies. He is the Truth, and always means what He says! What a truly awesome God we serve!)

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father also loves  those born of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God and keep His commandments. -- John 5:1,2, Berean Study Bible

You may have to say out loud, as I've had to sometimes, "I give myself permission, in the Name of Jesus, to embrace and fulfill the wonderful Ephesians 2:10 Plan God has for me! I know He is doing much more than I can think or ask or imagine, and I am so excited at what Daddy God has for me! Wow! I get to be part of His wonderful Plan on the earth! Hallelujah!"

Remember (and I'm talking to myself too!) that God, once you receive Jesus, only and always sees you as right with Him; as precious, adorable, excellent, powerful, priceless, and His favorite! (Yes, we are each His favorite! Glory)

Now go forth and conquer! Dream, and dream big! Write them down and look at them and thank God for them every day! Get pictures of what you want and ask the LORD for Scriptures--Royal Promises--to go with them. He will guide you! Find someone to pray with you about your dreams, even if you don't share specifics.

With God on your side, you cannot lose! 

True, there is nothing to be gained by it, but [as I am obliged] to boast, I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 12:1, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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