When Babies Die
by Ruthie Alekseeva

“Nothing’s working,” Mayleigh gasps. “The cramps keep coming.”

She clutches her stomach and strives at slowing her breathing.

Kane touches his palm against her forehead, “You’re burning up too.”

Mayleigh pushes his hand away, then rolls onto her side, “My whole body feels weak.”

Kane grips his phone, “I’m calling an ambulance. I have a bad feeling about this.”

Hours later, Mayleigh slumps in bed, medical equipment alarming in the background. She mops tears from her eyes with her hand, “I can’t believe we lost the baby,” she sobs. “Why did God take him from us?”

Bel Thomson’s album, Seasons, is the perfect gift for anyone who has experienced the burning loss of miscarrying a baby. Her song, ‘Holding You’, will particularly comfort those hurt by the death or illness of a much-longed-for baby or those experiencing postnatal depression. The album also touches on the themes of redemption, creation, God’s faithfulness, God’s constancy, and God’s presence during hard times.

I’m sure her angelic singing and contemporary tunes will soon have you hooked, so it’s just as well she has three more albums for purchase, A New Creation, You Are My Destination, and Bird’s Eye View. Buy one of them today as a CD from her website, https://belthomson.com, or on iTunes.



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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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