Counselor's Corner: Get Unstuck By Making Small Daily Changes
by stephanie reck

Maybe you desire to see a change in your life, but because of fear, anxiety, or trauma, you have remained where you are at. Fear can keep you paralyzed from moving forward. This last year has been challenging to make any additional changes in our lives mainly due to all the unwanted changes that have come with COVID.


For some, this last year has caused difficulties getting unstuck from the previous season. This last year came with many unwanted changes for me, COVID being one, but also my father’s cancer diagnosis, and my transition into menopause. I guess you could say that I got stuck from the additional stressors in my life. I felt unable to make any more changes in my life, even though the changes would be good changes such as getting together with a friend. I was going through the motions of life, and surviving but not thriving. I simply did the best that I could do, but I kept hoping things would change.


One morning while spending time with God, He spoke to me; not audibly but deep within my spirit, and said to me, “Stephanie, it’s time for a new chapter in your life.” God continued to reveal to me that I would need to start making small steps of change and that those small steps would eventually lead to the bigger changes that I wanted. God asked me to trust Him as He would lead me in these changes.


When you live your life in fear and anxiety it can be overwhelming to do anything different than what you are doing. For me, I usually went to the same places and did the same things; but of course, I was stuck. As uncomfortable as at first it was, I slowly started to do small things that I usually don’t do to get unstuck. For instance, one day I walked a different bridge than the one I always walk on. I felt proud of myself for making this small change. I continued to implement small daily changes, and have seen instant results from doing this. I seek God first thing in the morning and I wait for Him to let me know what change to do for that day, otherwise, I would just try and exhaust myself by figuring out what to do.


Practical small changes to get unstuck:


*Tip: Try at least one a day. Make a list of your own daily small changes that you can make. If you are unable to do one a day, start with one a week and build your way up.


Read a book or a least a chapter.

If you exercise, change up your routine. If you don’t exercise start walking.

Clean a closet or organize something in your home. Rearrange some furniture in your home.

Try out a new recipe.

Encourage or bless someone.

Go out to eat somewhere different.

Listen to different music.

Change your mindset. You may not can change your circumstances, but you can change your mindset about it.

Be happy for no reason. Happiness is a state of mind, don’t wait for others to make you happy.

Get up earlier and use that time to connect with God.

Try something new, it can be food, clothes, hairstyle, or something you have never done to get out of a rut.



Usually, it's not the big things in life that make the most impact on our day-to-day happiness but the little things that we do that allow us to live unstuck and more fulfilling lives. Getting unstuck starts with making small changes that eventually lead to bigger changes.

Stephanie R. Reck, LMSW, LBT, BCCC
Stephanie Reck, Coaching & Consultation Services
[email protected]
Stephanie Reck Coaching & Consultation Services, @2024
Author of, "Disciplining Your Mind 30 Days to a Better You!"

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