by Lewis E. Thomas

I've learned in my life that all people "MAKE TIME" for what they really "WANT TO DO"!
Many claim they "HAVE NO TIME" to go to church to sit around on a pew!
Yet they go to Stadiums to spend hours praising/worshipping their favorite "SPORTS TEAM"?
Yet find no time at all for God, Church and spiritual things?
Do you make time to hunt, fish, golf, watch T.V. etc. when you so desire?
Yet make no time for Jesus, the only one who can save you and keep you out of Hell's fires?
Do you have a "WANT TO" to learn about the Savior who died on that "OLD RUGGED CROSS"?
The Lamb of God who was crucified for you so that your soul should not be lost?
If you have no "WANT TO" to walk with God today it is easy to tell!
You are "STILL" walking down that broad and wide "HIGHWAY TO HELL"!
Run to that bloody CROSS where the Son of God bled, suffered, and died for "YOU"!
Ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and He will "GIVE YOU" a new heavenly "WANT TO"!
After you embrace THE CROSS you will want to worship God and praise His name!
You will "WANT TO" lead others to the Cross so they can do the same!
You will "WANT TO" read the Holy Bible and cherish every word written therein!
You will "WANT TO" witness to lost souls to tell them how they can be saved from Sin!
If you have no "WANT TO" for Jesus, the MIGHTY KING of kings today!
"You are a "LOST SOUL" who is still wondering in the Wilderness of Sin and going the "WRONG WAY"!
How is your "Want To"...
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 4/25/2021


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