by Eugene Lopatynsky
The defense of marriage begins by (A) fallowing defensive stratagems long before marriage, followed by (B) defensive planning during marriage with (C) special program to defend the kids. I'll bet no marrying PASTOR ever showed you this, and he should have- if he seriously wanted your marriage to survive. But he did show you a fat bill (for "supposed services"), no? How can you make divorce very unattractive for a rebel?
Many, perhaps most contemporary professional people DO NOT MARRY, they avoid “legal marriage” like a plague.
Why? Read on.
Nevertheless, God’s LAWS must be obeyed if a couple cohabits, with or without any blessing of a Devil Government. Study and obey the Commandments of our Creator, or face disaster of some kind, sooner or later.
Article Contents: 1) "The Root and the Fruit" of disaster. A long, lamenting, verbose introduction. Skip it if you want to. 2) Defensive strategies long before marriage 3) Defense and planning during marriage 4) Protecting your kids 5) Main vulnerabilities 6) Do our "betters" have comparable family problems? 7) Greatest Help THE VERBOSE INTRODUCTION Will this article be the most unpopular, politically incorrect, writing of the year? God instituted the authority of parents and OBLIGATION of corporal discipline over children. Obviously, Satan and his crowd will hate that to pieces! God instituted JUST AUTHORITY of the husband over his wife; by force and by law, as necessary. Would you believe that Satan's darlings will oppose it with all their might? The will of God, the LAW OF GOD, was the authority, by force or even death, over the husband himself. The enforcement was physical; punishments were physical, no stupid jails or hotels for crooks. The breaking of any of God's great, FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, upon the testimony of 2 or more witnesses, was immediately repaid by execution. Not to do this meant POLLUTION OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! False witnesses were to share the same penalty. Lamentably, God's law has practically disappeared. Yet man must live BY GOD'S LAW. There is no other way. Real marriage is history unless we can return to Gods Law. Otherwise man certainly will hurt or destroy himself. That is why God gave the laws. This is why the children of Satan destroy them. The Woman's Lib (and Lip?), of course, will hate this article 'to pieces'. That is a very natural response from these interesting people. The Woman's Liberation movement was started and is led by organized Wicca Chapters in England, WITCHES, the enemies of God and man; may God repay their demons 70 x 7 for every broken heart and broken life! After that, their brothers and sisters in Satan implemented our present laws, laws which utterly destroy marriage, entirely, and ruin the children or abort them in their system of legalized murder! Thank you Wicca? Our 'glorious leaders' bleep about the coming 'fatal' population explosion and the need of abortion, killing off innocent babies, while they protect convicted murderers in virtual "hotels", at a cost of more than $ 150, 000 per criminal, per year! Why not execute the convicted murderers or, at least, all the crooked politicians and evil Judges, to relieve population explosion? Our chances of reversing current SATANIC trends, BEFORE Christ comes back to remove these Devils, is zilch! It's not going to happen. SO WHAT'S THE POINT IN WRITING THIS ARTICLE? WHAT CAN BE DONE? "If you want peace, prepare for war". Ever hear that? This applies double to marriage. More than half of the nation is divorced and nobody prepared ahead for disaster? DEFENSIVE STRATEGIES LONG BEFORE MARRIAGE: (A) Investigate your partner and (B) Prepare all prenuptial contracts, well BEFORE marriage. (C) Never marry a diabetic, diseased or schizoid (crazy) partner.
BEFORE MARRIAGE IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PHASE IN THE PLANNING FOR YOUR PROTECTION. This will apply equally to “legal” unions, as well as to “cohabiting unions”. This may require two separate domiciles. Check with lawyer.
Two hundred years ago the parents selected wisely. Today, YOU "select" (what should be a life's faithful partner) by looking for cheap and rapid sex. A 'couple' goes together, gets used to each other and the biological trap closes in a type of marriage, which you would have never contemplated inside a nightmare. The Devils replaced parental and societal protection with an effective, promoted, biological, obscene LUST- TRAP. Investigate your partner before marriage, better still, before serious courting. Marriage with a pagan, hippy, degenerate (boy or girl) was and is biblically absolutely forbidden. Look it up! How can you know a man, or a woman? Only by "their fruit", their works, and also the "friends" they keep, all studied carefully over a (sufficient) period. You must investigate well. Send your kinfolk, or friends, to befriend "their" friends (or even their enemies!), or hire detectives. Every cent spent may save thousands of dollars (and tons pf pain) later on! A Christian woman MUST HAVE a husband who obeys GOD, and then the wife obeys her husband. This way the chain of authority remains intact: God; Husband; Wife; Children. A single weak link destroys the chain; in fact may destroy the family. That's exactly what Satan and his followers want. Get all prenuptial contracts prepared and executed well before marriage. If enforced, this will not leave a great incentive to rob you with divorce. Maybe, you will remain married! Especially if the rebel partner doesn't work and depends on you for everything! There is a curious case of a man trying to DEFEND AGAINST ALL LITIGATION, not just divorce. It is based on existing laws for partnerships. One partner (Partner A) legally owns nothing but he is the only one empowered to make all legal decisions regarding the property- he is the only one in full control over all assets. The other partner (Partner B) owns everything, but has no control over these assets, permanently, whatsoever. You, (Partner A), cannot really be suit because you own nothing. What could they collect? Make anybody, (say, your mother) to be Partner B. She can't be suit because she's not responsible for your "delictos". There are actually legal ways to block every action against either partner. If interested take it up with lawyers. This venue might be somewhat costly to prepare. DEFENSE PLANNING DURING MARRIAGE AND MODELS OF MARITAL CONDUCT Remove temptations (lust and greed) and bad friends, early, from the whole family. A great proportion of infidelities of wife or husband arise statistically from continued contact with the families own "best friends"! After that, watch for possible temptations and opportunities arising from occasional contacts. Remember, "Never let anybody get their fingers on your money, or your girl"? Similarly, do you study carefully every paper somebody wants you to sign? DO NOT TRUST. Arrange YOUR marriage according to GODS LAW here is where your daily Bible comes in. Behold your greatest ally! Take a look. Ephesians 5:22-24, 33 22. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Saviour of the body. (all Christians) 24. Therefore AS THE CHURCH IS SUBJECT UNTO CHRIST, SO LET THE WIVES BE TO THEIR OWN HUSBANDS IN EVERY THING. 33. Nevertheless let EVERY ONE of you in particular SO LOVE HIS WIFE EVEN AS HIMSELF; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. If you are a Christian, do not give up too easily, prematurely, if you are trapped already in an unhappy marriage, if there is a glimmer of hope. Some wives have been able to convert the husband with their conduct AND Gods help. See below: Peter 3:1-6, 9, 10 Colossians 3:18 There will certainly be those who disagree with a Biblical marriage. Then, are you smarter than God? Just look at the maze of "marriages" around you, where they are not obeying God! How do these work out? How about their kids? If both of you are Christians, you can see that the BIBLE IS YOUR GREATEST ALLY IN MARRIAGE PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN Kids are lost primarily through Satan's ideologies (like "Evolution") and temptations (especially sex), which they encounter at school, internet, TV or through BAD FRIENDS.
Check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in , under “articles”, on upper bar. It’s made for you.
If you can't watch them and share almost everything with kids, including your own work, you'll lose them, Old Boy. They grow up too fast and grow corrupt automatically. God's law, morality, honesty and responsibility (will to sacrifice, to give to parents, to contribute) must be taught, consistently, from an earliest age. Beware, beware, beware of bad friends (see Psalm 1:1-5) and satanic drugs: marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and so on The bad friends will be like a spiritual deadly infection and the drugs will DEMOTIVATE your kids, make them a part of the present useless, stupid, hopeless, decadent, abominable and criminal young generation, now growing up all around us, like a spreading, deadly plague. Keep your kids close do NOT allow any separation from the family at all. Many found that a kid studying far away, may change and turn out to be eventually your own worst enemy; believe it or not! If you really love your children, then HOME SCHOOL them! Never send them to the government's Sodom and Gomorrah. All materials are readily available from Christian sources. No great education is needed for parents at all; all the materials and test answers are provided to parents. Two hours of home schooling is equivalent to 20 or more hours at any government school. This way you have your children at home, where you can still protect them, loving and helping and sharing. Share your time, your holidays, and if possible, even your work, with the kids. They will remember this forever. They grow up so rapidly and you will have them for such a short while! Tell them YOU LOVE THEM and throw your self-esteem to the devil, where it belongs. Prepare to home school your kids until university and immunize them against idiotic evolution, whoredom and Luciferian (Devils) "laws", long before they start university. Read in (under "Population Containment") what the (now) compulsory "vaccines" can do to your children!
The children must be obedient, to - NOT TO ANY GOVERNMENT DEVILS, - but to their parents. The enforcement was physical. In the past, all punishments in the realm were physical, no stupid jails or hotels for crooks. A Christian School is a less effective alternative, but far more expensive.
DIVORCE If in spite of everything you land in a divorce court, consider two things. If the evil partner gets custody of kids you'll probably lose the kids (to Satan) and inherit an obligation of support up to 18 years of age. (That is if you have traceable, sufficient income) This may also mean support for your ex and her new lover. Your kids will grow to hate you; they don't grow well within a destroyed family. The non-evil partner should plan to obtain custody of the kids. This matter you must consider in your planning ahead of time. Keep in mind that lawyers, as a rule, never work for you. They work for THEMSELVES. The longer and the more painful the divorce, the greater the profit for these dear "lawyers". Never assume beforehand that these people are on your side, even though you pay them. Never expect them to try to save your disintegrating marriage! That would be expecting a fisherman to abandon his big fish! Select lawyers very carefully and negotiate a contract. Perhaps write a "performance and fee contract" ahead of time and try to get the best of them, preferably from among those who have also gone through divorce themselves. Have a written contract, designed by you, with your own divorce lawyer (the one "defending" you). Perhaps, place a clause in your contract with your lawyer, that your lawyer cannot place a lien against your property for fees. They will try that if you change lawyers.
Do our "betters" have comparable family problems?
You bet they have, but they do not have comparable solutions.
What happened to Marilyn Monroe? Or to Jane Mansfield? Some say, they became an embarrassment to powerful people and were murdered (arranged accidents).
How about Princess KELLY, married to a Prince of Monaco?
A car accident? You believe that?
How about Princess DIANA, married to a member of British Royalty? You believe in a chance accident? If Diana were left alive, what would have later happened to that “Royal” marriage in England?
Devils have their own way of dealing with Laws. Of course, these beasts construct our existing wicked laws and control much of the police and jurisprudence.
WHERE LIE THE MAIN VULNERABILITIES? What are some of the chronic, wide spread problems? My auto mechanic, long ago, would complain about his disastrous experience with women, saying (to everybody), "you can't live with them--- and you can't live without them"! I am not quite sure I want to think this one out. What would you say? Out of each 10 applications for divorce, seven or eight (of the ten) come from the wives, the divorce being originated and pushed by women! After that, the women can and do exert all the power of the WHOLE GOVERNMENT against the husband, against his authority over the family and against his property; HA! Even against his freedom and future livelihood! Once" freed of you", but not of your money, they usually commence an era of incredible whoredom, in front of the kids, which would shame a professional prostitute. You think I am only kidding? Instead of defending the righteous obligations and rights and private property of the husband, the new Luciferian laws simply eliminate the husband as head of the family, even forbid the husband to protect himself, his family, kids or his property. Parents are forbidden to discipline their children! This has never happened before in all the history of mankind! What do you suppose the Devils will be planning and implementing next? Satan did not come to Adam. He came to Eve, and then the both of them came against Adam. GOD SAYS, the woman is the weaker, the far more vulnerable vessel. You think God is wrong? Two millennia ago, God said that the woman, without a head covering in the temple, is open to demons. The head covering was an affirmation by the wife that she is under the authority of her husband. Do we need to talk about children growing up with the "rainbow school curriculum" (homosexual), idiotic "Evolution", pornography, without discipline, ignorant of every Law of God? The only authority they encounter is the brutality and abuse of bullying or authority enforced through beatings by degenerates and gangs.
Observing current history and today's marriage laws, all enduring, personal trust must be considered idiotic. Those who read the Bible will know that, in the end, all Christians win. True law and order and true protection of the poor will be established, for the first time in all the history of mankind, with the return of our Lord!. But in the meantime the "perilous times", of 2 Tim. 3: 1-5, are now all around us. There are NO easy solutions. To close your eyes and just hope is crazy. Continuous study of the Bible, by the whole family, is the very best protection for your marriage, in this whole world; better believe it! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you. Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Jesus and to belong to Him! If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS; PLEASE BE THE LORD OF MY LIFE; HELP ME TO LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH AND TO READ YOUR BIBLE, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE." If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in , under “articles”, on upper bar. It’s made for you.
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