Dancing in Love - Working With Worship Dance Teams
by Tonja Taylor

Any team is comprised of individuals that both share ideas, and have those that differ. Here are a few expert tips to improve unity and understanding in worship teams, which are very important to help clear the atmosphere and usher in the Presence of God, so that people can be changed. 

Some of these ideas that I learned and have experienced are based on teachings by Pastor Lynn Hayden, under whom I personally studied for a year. She has been dancing for over 50 years, and trains all her students to dance to the glory of the LORD.

(1) "Team" is defined as "individuals subordinating themselves to coordinate with others, to work to achieve a common goal; namely, to usher in the life-changing Presence of the LORD. 

(2) Love, as defined in I Corinthians 13:4-8, should be the main fruit exhibited among the team members, with the leader modeling it.

(3) Watch out for pride. No flesh should glory in God's Presence, which means that, if one is just dancing to be seen (vainglory; selfish ambition), then that is "the flesh." When we are truly dancing to the LORD, even choreographed dancing, then the focus is on God, which is the point! 

He chose the lowly, the laughablea" in the world’s eyes—nobodies—so that he would shame the somebodies. For he chose what is regarded as insignificant in order to supersede what is regarded as prominent, so that there would be no place for prideful boasting in God’s presence. For it is not from man that we draw our life but from God as we are being joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. And now he is our God-given wisdom, our virtue, our holiness, and our redemption.--  I Corinthians 1:28, The Passion Translation

(4) Adapt to others' styles and requests, as the Holy Spirit leads and confirms. A team is not just where every member always does just what the leader wants. A team means that ideas are exchanged, and many wonderful creative thiings can happen when people who love God and truly want to glorify Him come together.  The Holy Spirit--Elohim the Creator, the Godhead (Genesis 1:1)  is the Director, and He can give creative ideas to anyone. The leader needs to be open to others' ideas, and even be willing to let them lead on occasion, if the Holy Spirit makes that clear in the leader's heart.

There may be co-leaders, and they should always be in unity, or keep praying and working and listening until there is unity.  If there is discord among the leaders and/or the team, that can dilute the power of the worship, and rob the congregation and the team of the fullness of what God wants to do in that service. 

(5) Kill jealousy, gossip, criticism, and competition as soon as you notice it.  If a team member won't submit to or ignores counsel about things like this, the leader should warn them. If they continue to display wrong behavior, they should be dismissed from the team. 

(6) Make sure the garments are pleasing to the LORD, not sensuous, body-clinging clothing like the world wears--and even puts on very young girls!

(7) Always pray, preferably by speaking the Word and praying in the Holy Spirit, before going on stage. It's also a great idea to pray before every worship practice.  Ask the Holy Spirit to infuse everything; to put His Grace all over everything concerning the dance and the service; to prepare the hearts of the audience to receive all God wants to give them; and to help the team forget themselves and revel in the LORD.

(8) Be sure to give God the credit anytime someone wants to brag on the team. This is especially the leaders's job. It is in Him--Christ Jesus the LORD--that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). He gives us every breath! We can do nothing apart from Him (John 15:5).  

(9) Stay open to what the Holy Spirit wants to do. He is endlessly creative, knows all things, and never gets tired. He usually gives the vision(s) to the leaders of new ventures. Maybe He wants you to minister as a team in another state. Perhaps He wants you to participate in a street parade. He could want you to lead a block party and just lead spontaneous worship dance.  He may open the door for the team to perform at a public school (By the way, The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, and all the peoples therein! Psalm 24:1. That includes every child in every school, from daycare through the universities!). 

Enjoy, do your best, and remember to always ask the LORD about things. If you're not sure of something, as the leader, don't allow yourself to be rushed into making a decision. Take time to pray and ask for His direction. It will be worth it; the LORD wants to create Isaacs for the team and through them; not Ishmaels! 

He will help you. He is, after all, The LORD of the dance! 

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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