Cleansing Your System With Chlorella
by Tonja Taylor Chlorella is an algae and has many benefits. It is very economical, and I'm so glad the LORD made it known to me. It can only help you to fortify your good health! According to a couple of reputable sources, chlorella is useful for rom detoxing the colon from heavy metals and more; to helping blood pressure levels; to helping eyesight; to supplying iron and many other vitamins and minerals. Chlorella is a jewel. Taking chlorella can strengthen your immune system. It is very economical, and gentle on the system. If you want an effective detoxing agent that also will supply many things your body needs--including a bit of protein--then take chlorella. I bought it at the advice of Dr. David Herzog, a Spirit-filled Christian, an international minister, and a certified health coach, to cleanse or detox ever so often. I rarely eat out, and almost always eat only non-GMO and organic food. I keep chlorella to cleanse my system of foods I don't normally eat. However, I have been learning more about it, and now I've decided to start taking it daily, for many reasons. God is so good! He ever leads us in right paths! His plans for us are always and only good (Jeremiah 29;11, Ephesians 2:10), and with long life He will satisfy us and show us His Salvation (Psalm 91:16). However, the long life is truly not up to Him, but to us! We must learn to be good stewards of our bodies, even more than our houses, cars, and any other piece of equipment or tool. I believe that taking chlorella daily is one way to do that. I take other supplements of course (Organic and non-GMO are preferable, and buying brands that are either in liquid or powder form, or tablets or pills that will be easily digestible to the body is imperative. Buying cheaper products that are very hard will usually be a waste of money, because they will just pass through the body and not provide any benefit.). Chlorella is very economical, and definitely worth your time to learn about and try. The LORD made your body, and so check with Him to see if there is any reason you should not take it. You can consult your physician, but many of them don't give advice about supplements--although I believe almost all of them take supplements themselves, because it's wisdom for every person!--but The Great Physician, Jesus Christ Who created and sustains you, will warn you if you should not take it. Otherwise, go for it, and enjoy greater energy and health! You have work to do for the Kingdom! Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel. Article Source: |
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