Good News--God Remembers and Forgets!
by Tonja Taylor

The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.—Zephaniah 3:17, AMPC

The LORD our God, Jehovah, Who knows everything about us--the good, the bad, the gray--chooses to forget our sins and remember His Covenant with us. He sees us through the Blood of Jesus; His children, siblings with Christ! Halllelujah! 

He Who is the perfect, holy One; Who is outside of time; above Heaven and earth; Who is eternal and unchanging Love (I John 4:8, Praise Him!), chooses to forget our sins and remember that, through our act of faith of believing in Jesus as the Savior and receiving His forgiveness and Lordship in our lives, we are righteous (only) in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

Through the trust that He gives us (which is faith, belief) in the Supreme Gift He gave us (the LORD Jesus Christ, His Son, Who died on the cross to shed His blood to cleanse us from all sins and unrighteousness, Hallelujah! John 3:15-17), we come into the Royal Family as sons and daughters, to be forever sealed by the Holy Spirit.

We become the precious children of Father God, Who is Light and Love and Life! Hallelujah

The same God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament, thank goodness! 

For I am the Lord, I do not change; that is why you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.--Malachi 3:6, AMPC

His plans for us never change--no matter how much we've sinned! Truly, that is just one reason I can only use the word "awesome" for Him! 

There is more good news: Once we confess our sins (ask His forgiveness), God chooses to forget our sins forever, and remember His Covenant (eternal, unbreakable Agreement) with us!

For though the mountains should depart and the hills be shaken or  removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you.--Isaiah 54:10, AMPC

The LORD is so good! He is goodness! He is Love! He loves you so much He created you, gave you life, and has kept you alive and brought as much goodness into your life as He could (depending on whether you have believed in Christ, and cooperated with His laws). He wants to do much, much more for you, and has led you to this writing!

If you do not yet know Jesus, God's Son, as your Savior, and you want to be born again (recreated in your spirit and delivered from hell and translated into a royal position in Heaven, instantly, Hallelujah!), please say this simple prayer out loud. The LORD Jesus is waiting and ready to become your Savior, LORD, Big Brother, and Best Friend Forever! 

Dear Jesus, 

Please forgive me of all my sins. Thank You for giving Your life for me on the cross, and shedding Your pure blood to pay for all my wrongs! I choose to believe in You and receive Your Spirit into my heart, for You to be my Savior and LORD, Big Brother, and Best Friend Forever! Hallelujah! Thank You, and please continue to teach me Your ways! Thank You for loving me so much! In Your Name, amen! 

He will, and--faster than the people are "beamed up" on the science fiction shows!--the real you (your spirit, which came out of God and never dies) will be translated into Heaven. You will have a royal position as a Child of the eternal God, Jehovah, and when your body dies, it will be recreated and glorified to live forever in Heaven! Hallelujah, and congratulations on making the best decision you've ever made! 

Now, the LORD is rejoicing over you with singing, and, as the verse below states, your Father God will "make no mention of past sins, or ever recall them"! He chooses to forever forget what you've done wrong, and sees you as delightful, precious, and with amazing potential to do great things for Him! 

The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.—Zephaniah 3:17, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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