What Makes Men Truly Happy
by lareina morgan

 psalm 1:1


 The man is very happy that does not:

 ·  walk as godless people suggest

 ·  stand in the way near sinners

 ·  sit with them that scorn (God)



Happiness for a man of God comes from knowing the One who created him. He enjoys the word of God; It makes him whole. He is pleased to read the word of God all the time. It dominates his thoughts, and the word helps him so that he is supplied with his every need. There is no other doctrine on earth that can claim to change a person's inner conviction of living for himself towards living for the living God and that person be at peace with his decision and live a life filled with joy.



It is the joy of the Lord and His love for all believers that gives a christian strength to live in a dark and hopeless world. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and in His love for all mankind. We grow stronger with every encounter with God's Holy Spirit. We live in every season knowing that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. Peace comes in knowing that we are valuable in His eyes and that He can do all things for us for His mercy's sake.


Godless people live for themselves. They are blind to the spirit of rebellion in their hearts that makes them believe that they know better than the God who created them. They ignore His word. They want to believe that there is no God, even though there is overwhelming evidence that our world was set up by someone greater than ourselves. This earth is suited for life, and the human race  was designed to live upon its surface. No one on our level of existence could have designed anything better. Choose life, live for Jesus Christ and you will never be disappointed. If you choose to worship yourself, you have chosen the path to chaos and despair, for love and hope cannot exist in the darkness away from the light in the eyes of Jesus Christ - the darkness only knows death and destruction...



Prayer of Salvation


Lord Jesus, I no longer want to live just for myself, I want to know you as you are. Please take my heart and my life and make me a new person, a person who wants to love you and to live for you only. I am sorry for what I have done with my life, and I accept you as my personal lord and savior. Please come into my heart right now, In Jesus Name.

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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