Teens Need To Be Taught Bible Prophecy
by Mike Ramey


“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”

--II Timothy 3:1 (KJV)


     Let us begin our time together with a simple story.


     A few years back, I was teaching a Bible study at our county Juvenile Detention facility.  The young men in the unit that were taking part in the study were of different races.  You could have heard a pin drop when I started teaching on the ‘basics’ of Bible prophecy.  Several young men’s eyes ‘lit up’ with excitement when I got into this subject.  One young man’s comments really brought home the importance of the teaching: “My pastor never mentioned this subject.”


     Based on the response, Christian teens need to be taught Bible Prophecy.  Unfortunately, many churches are not teaching adults on the subject…let alone the youth of the church.


     I’ve taken this teaching ‘to the streets’ so to speak and have found that in our so-called ‘tech savvy’ age, where we are literally swimming in information the subject of Bible Prophecy is not ‘finding its way through’ to the souls who need it.  It is still NOT being focused upon by preachers and churches.  The Book of the Revelation is not being taught in many of our Urban Churches, nor used as a part of the evangelism ‘arsenal’ to bring souls to Christ.


     A few years earlier from my opening illustration, I had been regularly teaching a prayer group in a local Urban Church.  I was blessed to do a series on the issue of Bible Prophecy and the power of prayer.  Many of the older church members still remembered their ‘growing up’ years where preachers and Pastors did not teach on this issue.  In fact—back in the day—there were some preachers and deacons who ‘shunned’ The Book of the Revelation as being to ‘complex’ and ‘complicated’ to be taught.  I was amazed that these older saints appreciated the fact that someone was ‘taking a risk’ in teaching more of the KJV Bible than they were used to hearing.



     Pastor Wayne E. Anderson of Honolulu, Hawaii, during his television ministry in the 1990s, let his congregation know the following: “We don’t have the time to be jealous over who is doing what in the Body of Christ.  I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.  If MORE people would be doing what God told THEM to do, they’d be too busy to complain about what others are doing!”


     Powerful stuff.  And, oh so true.


     I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I am obedient as to what the Lord would have for me to do as a Christian and Minister.  I have been blessed by the Lord in other teaching and writing ventures.  Thus, I am this column about Bible Prophecy at teens in order to have others discover what the KJV Bible has to say on the matter, look at our current times through prophetic eyes, and realize that Jesus Christ is coming soon.


     These columns are not so much ‘just’ for learning, but for adding the information to our arsenal of spiritual warfare, application to evangelism and to boost our prayer lives.  In short, I’m all about being able to fully apply what the Bible teaches on prophecy in our last days.


     Like it or not; ready or not…He’s going to rapture His church at any moment (I Thessalonians 4; I Corinthians 15) which will then lead to seven years of tribulation on earth the likes of which have never been seen.  However, let us be reminded of one key fact: Bible Prophecy is not the ‘be all or end all’ of the KJV scriptures. 


     It is a part of the total package of the Bible.


     Christians in any type of ministry must remember that it is God who ‘lifts up one and sets down another’.  At certain times, HE has seen fit to ‘lift up’ one ministry area over others in any land, based upon the need HE sees is needed upon the landscape.  I think that many of us have forgotten that God is in charge and brings to the forefront those ministries and people to help gather the harvest.  Our Lord is very careful as to the worker/teachers whom He sends into the highways and byways in order to bring the crop of converts, and train them properly so that they may not only yield spiritual fruit through discipleship and training, but to bring in MORE converts and so on, and so on, and so on!


     Discipleship, my friends, is also an important part of Christian growth.



     If I may put forth another revolutionary principle in our time together, one MUST have the right tools for the job, as the work involves souls.  Therefore, at the risk of irritating some of those who are ‘high up’ in the field of Bible Prophecy, I must urge that those involved in this ministry—and others—should put forth their study and teachings from the King James Version.


     I know that this is not popular, but it IS the right thing to do.


     I have been noticing—even in our modern era—a surprising number of those involved in teaching Bible Prophecy using inferior versions because they have this notion that the KJV is no longer ‘relevant’ in training nor study.  In fact, there are those in the field of Bible Prophecy who hold the use of Greek and Hebrew ‘higher’ than the KJV.  Further, for one reason or another, others have ‘seen fit’ to abandon and trash the KJV for the sake of ‘reaching’ a wider audience with an ‘easier’ version of the scriptures.


     There is a word for this:  BALDERDASH!  The Word of God changes us.  We don’t change the Word of God!  Thus, the marketplace has become flooded with more than 25 translations of the KJV Bible, which has confused many, and driven away many more in confusion and mistrust. 


     A perfect illustration from our past.  The car maker Henry Ford had been married for a few years.  A reporter asked Ford how he had remained married to the same woman for so long.  Ford didn’t blink when he reportedly said: “Stick to one model.”


     So it should be with the King James Version.  Stick with not only one model—but the best one!  I realize that it may be ‘in vogue’ to ditch this translation.  However, it must be stated that THIS version makes the devil and his minions ‘back up’ when Jesus speaks through its covers.  THIS version brings the prophetic into sharper focus.  The more one reads it, the clearer the prophetic becomes…along with those biblical road markings of the end times.


     It has been said that nearly 25 percent of the scriptures cover the subject of prophecy.  With such a major study area riding upon accuracy and interpretation it just makes plain sense to stick with the KJV.



     In my travels, I have found that a firm knowledge of the basics on Bible Prophecy have done more to ‘awaken’ those who have ‘nodded off’ concerning the times we are living in.  The spirits of our age have played a major role in anesthetizing men and women, boys and girls.  With 24-hour-a-day news and social media cycles, it is not too hard to see that many have been ‘numbed’ in spirit and have to ‘duck and cover’ just to get past the ‘contributions’ daily dropped into our eye and ear gates.


     Even in many of our seminaries, bible colleges and—yes—churches.


     Mike Ramey is a Minister, Syndicated Columnist and Modern Street Gang Specialist who resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Prophetic Line” is one of a series of columns circulating print and cyberspace worldwide from Barnstorm Communications International. Feel free to drop a line or a whine to [email protected].  ©2020, 2022 Barnstorm Communications International.



Mike Ramey is a Retired Gospel Minister who lives in Indianapolis, IN. Book Reviewer, Syndicated Columnist and Award-winning Journalist in Radio, Television, Print and Internet with more than 25 years experience. KJV Bible Teacher and Modern Street Gang Specialist. Veteran teacher and instructor.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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