Deep Calls to Deep: When You Want More
by Tonja Taylor

The LORD is continually calling us to go deeper with Him. That desire can translate into every area of life. 

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me” (Psalm 42:7).

There are various interpretations of this, and I prefer to think of the positive--about our heart's cry for more of God. 

No matter how much we "have" of Him--meaning, in one sense at least, how much we are aware of Him with us and in us and for us and around us--HALLELUJAH!--our spirits will never be satisfied; we will forever want more. 

Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]--Hebrews 13:5, AMPC

Truly, once we receive the LORD Jesus into our hearts as our Savior and LORD by repenting of our sins and asking Him into our lives, He immediately translates us from darkness to light (I Peter 2:9) and is with us--in us!--forever, helping us become more like Christ, and thus have Heaven on earth!

So, there is always more; more to know about our truly awesome (and I only use "awesome" for the LORD!) God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Who are One!); more to experience through Him and with Him; and, as His Spirit leads us and lives through us, more in every area of our lives.

This includes our careers.

The Holy Spirit is a Gentleman, and leads--not drives--us. He and God's holy angels make suggestions to us; bring ideas and divine desires into our hearts and minds, and, of course, always in line with the Word!

So, as the LORD has dealth with me and many others, when something that's been very satisfying to us starts becoming unsatisfying and/or not working like it used to, we need to ask ourselves some questions:

(1) Am I just tired, needing more sleep or exercise, or a better diet? (These things can temporarily affect our attitudes about things.)

(2) The LORD leads me by peace. Is my peace about this situation leaving, and/or continuing to go away?

(3) Do I desire to be doing something else besides this, especially if it has more impact for the Kingdom of God?

(4) Am I willing to continue this if the LORD makes it clear to me to stay, and willing to leave if the LORD makes it clear that, no matter what my mind thinks about it, my heart continues to desire something else--and I'm very happy when I imagine myself doing the other thing?

(5) Have I asked the LORD to show me if the enemy is trying to deceive me, and if I need to repent of anything that might keep me from understanding God's perfect will?

(6) Do I remember that, even when I miss it, the LORD is faithful, and works all things together for me, because He loves me and I am His child? Even when I make a mess, God is so gracious that He works it out, for my good and His glory--as only He can do.

(7) Am I in fear of making a mistake, and have I repented of fear? Fear is not of God, and I refuse fear, in the Name of Jesus. I know God is good and faithful, and I can totally trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

(8) Is the Kingdom of God going to be expanded, and others going to benefit more if I stay--or if I change to another career?

(9) Am I willing to undergo training for a new position, if I'm sure that is what the LORD is calling me to?

(10) Is my spouse in agreement with this new desire? Has this desire stayed with me for quite a while, and increased as I have grown closer to God?

You can ask yourself these questions, and most importantly, remember that God is your Daddy (once you have received Christ Jesus as your Savior and LORD, of course), and He will always help you. Invite Him to help you, and to guide you by His Spirit of Truth (John 16) every step of the way.

One well-known minister stated about making decisions that we are to "...choose the Anointing, and you'll be right 99% of the time, then God will make up the rest." 

The bottom line is, the Spirit of God is within you. He is the "deep" One, Who knows all things. He created you and has the marvelous Ephesians 2:10 Plan for your life--where you will be the most influential for God; the most satisfied; the most prosperous. His Plan is what your spirit--the deep part of you--really wants. 

Let Him lead you today. Say, "LORD, I want Your perfect will. Your plans for me are good and only good! You love me perfectly, and I trust You with all my heart and resources and life. Help me understand and embrace and fulfill Your perfect will. I receive Your help and thank You for it, in Jesus' Name. Amen!"

These are exciting times for us true children of God, Who have the Covenant of Protection, Prosperity, and Purpose (and much more, all of which is supplied to every true born-again Child of God, through the blood Covenant with God that Jesus' blood paid for! Hallelujah!). 

Know that, as the LORD told me once (when I'd just applied for a job that I was "sure" I would get--and did not), "I've always got your back," and then a minute later, "The LORD knows those that are His."

He's got you. He created you, sustains you every breath, and has only good for you. Trust and rest and enjoy. Let Him, the Captain of your Salvation, lead you into deeper places. The water's fine! 

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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