Go Ahead, Modify!
by Tonja Taylor

Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.New and better things come into being when we modify--alter or change something--even slightly. Life is change, so you can use the wisdom and creativity of God in you to change things, from recipes on! --Isaiah 43:19, AMPC

New and better things come into being when we modify--alter or change something--even slightly. Life is change, so you can use the wisdom and creativity of God in you (I Corinthians 2:16) to change things, from recipes on! 

It's fun, once you allow yourself to know that, even if things don't turn out like you wanted, you can hit it again, from a different angle!

I'm sure you've heard that it took the great inventor Thomas Edison over 10,000 tries before he invented the light bulb! I've heard that, halfway through all of those, his laboratory and all his research burned. Instead of being discouraged, he was quoted as saying that he'd found many ways to not create the light bult. But he persisted, and we have the lightbulb today!

So, many have taken his hard-won idea and modified it!

From the big things to the small things--like recipes--changes can be made. Sometimes, changes are inevitable, and uncomfortable. 

I often modify recipes, especially in cutting the sugar (at least to 3/4 the required amount, and I often find that half of what the recipes says is enough!), and in using as many organic and NON-gmo ingredients as possible. In addiiton, I've used nutritional yeast and organic yogurt instead of cheese; organic butter instead of more expensive ghee; along with organic kefir instead of buttermilk, etc. 

The LORD will give you wisdom, and there are substitute lists on the internet, and sometimes, in cookbooks. 

Even if you make a dish and it's not what you expected, you can almost always eat it anyway, unless you burn it too badly, or get too much salt in it. 

To some, a meal or recipe is a big deal, but we must learn to, as the LORD told me years ago, "take the emotion out of it, and just do it."  The negative emotions, like disappointment, unmet expectations, etc., have to go. Ask Jesus to help you pluck them up out of your life. He will! He shed His blood in that horrible death on the cross, for you to be free!

 But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. --Matthew 15:13, Berean Study Bible

God is still creating, and He wants to create through you! Let it be fun to you. Relax in your creativity! I've had to learn to do that, instead of being pressured to perform. I like to help myself by quoting verses about how much God loves me; how He chose me to partner with Him; how I work for G.O.D. (Global Operations Dominion, a phrase He gave me years ago. Cool, huh?!)).

Did you know that baking is one of the fine arts? I was surprised when I learned that a couple years ago, but now that's all the more reason to modify recipes! Maybe you don't like to draw or write or paint or sculpt or dance or play an instrument, but you like to bake. Go for it, and know that Elohim the Creator (Genesis 1 and beyond!) your Daddy God (providing, of course, that you are truly born again by asking Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart and be your Savior and LORD! John 3:14-17; Romans 3, 6, and 10:13) wants to create with you!

How exciting is that?

He is constantly modifying; changing; altering; improving. Just like loving parents enjoy playing and creating with their children, so does your heavenly Father enjoy creating with you!

Before I create (or teach) or more, I remember to say something like, "Thank You, Elohim, I yield to You. You are the Creater. So please write or teach or make music (or more through me, please!" So, you have the chance to work with the God of Heaven and earth--in baking or otherwise--to enjoy yourself, and bring even more positive change to the planet. 

Go for it!



Through books, courses, presentations, service, prayer, worship, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" YT channel.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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