Potential Business: MobiFish
by Tonja Taylor

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.--Proverbs 8:12, KJV

The LORD has given me various business ideas through the years--very workable; most of them not meant for me, but I could see how they could make the right person/team a lot of money, when done to the glory of God.

When I heard my disabled 80-year-old mother mention she wanted to go fishing, the LORD gave me this idea.

It's called "Mobi-Fish," and here are the details; simple, but very doable: 

(1) Get a horse trough or other large container, that could be transported, i.e., on a small trailer, or in the back of a truck.

(2) Stock the tank with fish that are easy to catch, such as perch, croppy, catfish, etc.

(3) Get fishing poles (preferably short cane poles or shot rod and reels, or both, for the area will be small, and you don't want people accidentally poking one another with the poles, or hooking them!

(4) Call nursing homes, daycares, even schools and other nonprofits, and set up "fishing derbies," for a small fee. 

(5) If you have a liner in your truckbed, you could even put the fish and water directly in there. Up to you!  I've heard of people being baptized in the back of a truck, so a few fish could survive there for a few hours at least, as long as the bed didn't leak!

(6) If you're going to deduct expenses from your taxes for this, which you should if you do it as a business instead of a hobby, then be sure and keep good records of your mileage, the money you pay for the fish, poles, hooks, bait, etc., for all of these will be tax deductible. 

(7) Keep good records of your income, and know you will need to pay taxes on the income. If you are set up as a business, including a sole proprietorship, you'll need to charge sales tax on this service. 

(8) You may also want to provide bags for the customers to keep their fish in, if they want. 

Experiment and you can have a lot of fun, while bringing other people joy. You can also use the experience(s) to share spiritual truths about Jesus. He will help you!


Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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