by linzy bruno



The Bible describes both the harmful, negative kind of striving, as well as the positive kind that leads to life. This differentiation is key. The challenge is in overcoming the self and self-centered ambition and giving in to the surrender.

Striving is biblical, but is highly misunderstood in certain sectors of Christendom, particularly for those who do not connect salvation with the submissive, cooperative, humble relationship we are to have with God through Christ. Only with the help of His Spirit Who Works to bring conviction of the desire for the spiritual striving that God has ordained for those who long to follow Christ and hunger for His Likeness can this vital Precept prevail.

God’s Word depicts both sides of this proverbial coin; the proper, spiritual striving He has ordained for us to walk in, as well as the negative striving that leads to works of the flesh. The negative includes both those things done to satisfy the flesh, as well as the less apparent misconceptions regarding the positive side of striving: wrongly believing that any striving, even that of the spirit, parallels self-driven works and denying that no sort of striving has any value whatsoever. Seeing this Precept as always making great efforts, but never able to reach any reasonable goals makes all striving seem utterly impossible, thereby rendering any attempt of pursuit utterly futile.

However, Biblical striving was never intended to be viewed in this insurmountable light, but rather as the propelling force it has the potential to be for those who are given comprehension. With proper understanding, the believer can delve into a deeper understanding of the things of the spirit over time, as this transformation cannot happen overnight; no pressure, only promise.

There are a plethora of Scriptures intended to convict believers of complete surrender and clearly illustrate that surrender is directly connected to that spiritual growth that increasingly, but gradually transforms God’s people.

When believers understand the positive view of striving; those spiritual things that are not from self-effort, but of the surrender, profound growth becomes much more likely. Cooperating with the indwelling Spirit noted in everyone who is born again; the boundaries of true growth and improvement give way and the believer is set free from the stifling limitations of the self.

NOTE: The self limits us in the spirit, but can also take on a life of its own, if not kept under control.


Relevant Verses:

Verses supporting the Spiritual Growth of Striving

Philippians 1:27, 3:12-14, Colossians 1:29, Luke 13:24, 1Timothy 4:10 & 6:11, 2Timothy 2:24, 2Corinthians 13:11, Hebrews 12:14, Hosea 6:3, Ephesians 4:2-3


Verses on Striving: Negatives, and/or Self-Gain

Ecclesiastes 1:14, 2:26, 4:4, 4:6 & 6:9


Verses Highlighting The Comparison-

1Corinthians 9:25 & Galatians 1:10



Conclusion: Spiritual striving is biblical. It requires the surrender and willingness to cooperate with God’s Spirit that indwells all true believers. A frustrating belief to keep Christians from reaching their full spiritual potential can undoubtedly stem from the misconception that all striving is negative, unbiblical and seemingly useless. Proper understanding or lack thereof, can greatly impact a believer’s walk with God and, thus, ought to be closely examined and rightly discerned, which can only be realized by requesting the Aid of the Holy Spirit, Who is ready, willing and able to teach and encourage any and all hearts committed to the surrender.

Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

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