P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 02 - A Heart For Jesus' Christmas Tree
by Tonja Taylor

They heard the dogs barking.

“Visitors?” asked Burt, opening the shop door.

“Hey!” Xi said, walking in. “What’d I miss?” She reached down to pat the dogs, who were dancing around her feet. “I saw Vivace and knew Pearl was out here, so I wanted to say hey before I take a nap!”

“Hey Xi!” said Pearl. “We’re talking about trail rides and carving wood and Jesus’ Christmas tree and--”

“Whew!” Xi said, sitting down on a stool. “While I biked, you guys were jabbing!”

Burt laughed. “You’re right. How far do you ride to work?”

“About two miles,” she said. “But I’m strong.”

“Yes, you are,” he said. “You've gotten a lot stronger since the festival. You’re not having to deal with bad dogs or anything, are you?”

“There’s only a couple little ones too big for their britches that run at me, but I just kick at ‘em and they leave.”

“Xi, you can use the Name of Jesus and tell those dogs to leave you alone,” said Pearl.

“Cool,” said Xi, giving Pearl a strange look. “I’m hungry, so I’m going to grab something if that’s OK, then catch some ZZZZs.”

Okay, I guess she’s not ready for that, thought Pearl. But I’m so glad I know it!

“Xi, you don’t have to ask,” said Burt. “Just eat what you want, then rest. Pearl and I are going to get started on the ornaments for Jesus’ Christmas Tree.”

“Thanks,” she said. “What for?”

“We’re going to make one for every country! Wanna help me?” Pearl said.

Xi pulled a small pocketknife from her jeans and showed it to them. “This is all I’ve got, and I don’t know how to carve.”

“Neither does Pearl, but I’ll teach you,” said Burt.

“So how many countries are there?”

“About 200,” said Pearl.

Xi was silent for a few moments, then said, “That’s a lot! I don’t know if I can do that, with work and all.” She stared at them for a moment, then said, “What if we made a big cross instead of a tree, and drew or printed the countries, and put them all over it? That would be easier!”

“Cool!” said Pearl. “I like it!” I still want to do the tree, Daddy God, but we could do both! she thought.

“We could paint it silver," Xi said. “Didn’t you guys tell me silver stands for.......uh, redem-something? Then we could use paint markers to draw the countries, or at least write their names."

"Redemption!" said Burt. "That's right, Xi! What a great idea!"

“Let’s do both!” said Pearl. “I like your idea, and I also I really like to hang ornaments on the tree.”

Burt turned to Pearl and smiled big. "Princess, you must have taught her about redemption, right?”

Pearl nodded. "Yes Sir. I showed her my worship flags, and she thought the silver ones were cool, especially after I explained about them."

Xi laughed. "Yes, the Princess has taught me so much I feel like I've had church every day!"

Burt laughed and gave Pearl a high-five. "That's my girl!" he said. "Remember, we are the Church!"

Thank You, Jesus, thought Pearl. You are helping Xi to see You in me--and helping me to see a lot of fun coming up!

“Hey,” Xi said. “Can the ornaments all be the same shape?”

“Yeah, I guess. This year, anyway,” said Pearl. It would probably take too long to draw the real shapes, she thought. “What shape?”

 I love every country, she heard the Holy Spirit say inside.

“Hey! I got it!” said Pearl. “A heart—God just showed me every ornament can be a heart, and we can write the names of the countries on them!”

“Brilliant, Pearl girl!” said her uncle. “To save time, these hearts will be 2D, and we can start early with 3D for next year. Deal?”

“Deal!” said Pearl. “Thanks, Xi, for helping us think!”

“Whatever,” said Xi. “I’m not sure what I did.”

“I mean, let’s do both!” Pearl said. “If you’ll do the art, ‘cause you’re a lot better, we can do both. I can draw a little, but you’re the real artist, OK?”

“Sure…after I chill, OK?” said Xi. “It was really busy at the store. I’m gonna take a nap. See you guys later!”

“All right,” said Burt. “We can tell the homeschool group about our project. They may want to do Jesus’ Christmas Tree for their family, too.” He drew another line on the paper. “You could probably create a set and sell it online or something, Princess. It could even be a fund-raiser.”

"Yeah, Uncle Burt! I’ll have to work on that,” said Pearl. Ooh, that would be so great! thought Pearl. Please help me do that, Jesus. She clapped her hands. Wow, my own business already! And the organic fruits and veggies will be part of that, too. Cool!

“Hey! I bet Ms. Sophia would be interested, and she also might hire us to put up her tree. I bet she has a big one, for that huge house!”

“Smart,” he said. “Why don’t you go ask Queen Mother and call Ms. Sophia right now?”

Pearl headed toward the house, and looked up toward Heaven and waved. “Thank You, Jesus. I love working with You!”

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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