P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 8 - God Does the Heavy Lifting
by Tonja Taylor

Robin laughed, as she waited for her mom to unlock the back of the truck. She hugged Pearl, and said, “The residents loved it when you played ‘Silent Night,’ so they could sing along!” She grabbed a basket full of small sacks with soaps and lotions and such. “They’re going to love these, too, when we go back in and surprise them!”

Pearl nodded. “Thanks. I just love to sing to God, and Queen Mother says I was doing that about as soon as I could talk.”

“Hey!” Robin said, “Maybe you could sing to them as we hand out these gifts!”

“Let’s sing together, OK?” Pearl said. “Maybe Xi will join us.”

“I don’t think she knows anything but rock songs,” said Robin, dropping her voice.

“Well, she’s been hearing God music at church and stuff,” said Pearl, whispering.

Xi walked around the truck. “What do you want me to do?”

“You’re taller, Xi.” said Pearl. “Can you please get that big box at the back?”

“Sure—” Xi said, reaching for it.

Freeze, young lady!”

Xi stopped. “S-sorry, Mr. Williams!” said Xi, blushing. “I was just—”

Burt laughed. “Sorry if I sound like a cop! You’re a blessing—you’re not doing anything wrong, but I just want to make sure you’re not overdoing it. Even pulling that load could strain your back,” he said, pulling the overstuffed box to himself as if it were a pair of shoes.

“I hurt my back badly once, and I thought I was losing a kidney,” he said. It was just a pulled muscle, but I could hardly move for two days!” He smiled at her. “I’ve learned a few techniques to prevent that from happening again.”

“Well, I’m used to lifting really heavy things,” Xi said, and sighed.

“I know,” he said, and patted her shoulder, while he looked deeply into her eyes. “but that doesn’t make it right, Miss Xi. Anyway, let me do the big-guy stuff, OK?”

Pearl and Robin looked at each other and nodded. “Xi, we love ya!” said Pearl. “Jesus came to take your heavy loads—and He sent Uncle Burt to help!”

Xi shrugged. “Sure,” she said, a strange look on her face. She grabbed a sack, then headed inside.

Pearl and Robin looked at each other again. “We plant, some water, and God gives the increase,” Pearl whispered. Robin nodded. They did the fist bump and walked to the porch of the nursing home.

Thank You, Lord, for such a loving family, thought Pearl. And thank You that You are helping Xi understand more of Your love through them.

“Wait, girls!” said Pearl’s mother. “Let’s pray first. We want God to touch each person and know that He sent these gifts to them. I know their hearts were softened by the Christmas carols, and now we ask His Spirit to direct us on which bags to give to whom.”

“Aren’t they all the same?” said Robin.

“Most of them are,” said Pearl’s mother, “but there are a few the Lord told me to do differently.” She handed the basket to Risa. “If you guys don’t mind, I’ll let you do those.”

“Sure,” Burt said. “Let’s pray.”

They prayed, then walked inside the home.

Many of the residents and the aides looked very happy to see them. “You’re back!” one woman said. “That’s great!”

“Yes ma’am, God gave us more gifts to give you!” said Risa.

Burt handed several to Pearl and Robin and Xi, and Lucas helped Robert with his. Pearl saw Xi’s smile grow bigger as she went around and handed care packages to several of the older women.

“Even when we don’t see it, You’re working!” Pearl sang softly, the words strong in her heart to the beloved song.  

“Amen!” said Robin. “Jesus is the Way-Maker!”

Thank You, LORD, thought Pearl. You are helping Xi and the rest of us to remember that our joy is in our giving, and that we are just channels of Your goodness!

A new song floated up in her heart. “We walk in Love ‘cause we are right, and these are precious in Your sight,” she sang under her breath, as she looked over at Robert and Lucas. Daddy God, help Rob to be sweet and not hurt anybody! she prayed. These people are not very strong, probably.  She watched them for a moment.

“We love ya!” Robert told the older men, as he and Lucas handed them care packages.

“You’d better watch him,” Burt said, “because he often surprise-hugs people—”

Oh no! thought Pearl, looking at Rob’s face. “There he goes!”

Just then, Robert bear-hugged the man he’d just handed a gift.

The man looked surprised, but smiled really big.

“See what I mean?” Burt said, and laughed.

“It’s wonderful!” said the man, in a raspy voice. “I don’t get to see my grandkids very often.” He patted Robert on the head, and smiled at him. “Thank you, little one.”

“It’s from Jesus!” Robert said, and beamed. “Do you know Him?”

Lucas smiled really big. “Good job!” he said quietly to Robert.

“Yes sir,” said the man. “I used to preach, but now I don’t have enough strength.”

Oh, help him know he can still tell people about You! Pearl thought, feeling her heart hurt for him. She started to walk over and tell him that.

“Sir,” said Burt, “the LORD can do anything. You’re still breathing; you’re not done yet!” Burt patted his shoulder. “I bet there are many people you could teach here. Maybe you could even start a Bible study.”

“Hmm,” said the man. “I doubt anyone would come.”

“I would!” said the woman next to him. She was smelling the fresh carnation they’d given her. “We need more of God around here!”

“See?” Burt said. “I’m sure there are others who’d come, too!”

“I’ll tell ‘em!” said the woman. She got her walker and started across the room.

Pearl looked at Robin, who’d also overheard. “The Way-Maker is always at work!” She fist-bumped Robin. “Let’s go tell Queen Mother and your mom!”

“Where are they?” asked Xi.

“The kitchen, I think,” said Robin. “Sharing goodies with the workers, too.”

“Pretty cool,” said Xi.

Thank You, LORD, You are working in so many ways, softening hearts and showing us all of Your goodness! thought Pearl. You are so truly awesome!!

They finished sharing the gifts, and waved as they went to leave, to many grateful smiles, hugs, waves, and tears of the residents.

“Come any time!” said the director, holding her goody bag. “You guys are so kind!”

As they were headed out the door, Robert broke away from his uncle and hugged her.

Several people laughed, and Burt said, “You’ve just had a Robert special—his cookies and hugs!”

She laughed. “You guys are all special!”’

“Ms. Sophia says that too!” said Robert, and waved at her again, smiling big, “but about me the most!”

“I’m sure she does!” the director said, and smiled again.

“Merry Christmas!” said Pearl and her family.

As they loaded the empty baskets and got in the truck, Pearl thought My heart feels so happy! Thank You, LORD, for letting us do that, and thank You that Xi was with us!

“I’m very pleased with you kids,” said Pearl’s mother. “Doesn’t it feel so good to let Jesus flow through us to love people?”

Pearl nodded. “Yes ma’am! That was great!”

Robin nodded too. “Yeah…Did you like it, Xi?” she asked, leaning forward to look at Xi on the other side of Pearl.

“It was cool,” Xi said, her shades on. “I’ve heard nightmare stories about the people in nursing homes, but they all seemed really sweet.”

“You did a great job of loving on them,” said Risa.

“Right!” said Pearl’s mother.

“Way to go!” said Burt.

Pearl patted Xi on the shoulder. “I knew you’d do great!” she said. “Thank you for coming and helping.”

“Sure,” Xi said.

She sounds more relaxed about it that I thought she would, thought Pearl. You are doing this, Jesus! YAY! She looked at Robin on her other side, and grinned.

“I love the way the people were happy at us when we sang the carols at the nursing home in the first part!” said Robin, as they drove up to the house. “It’s good to be home, though.”

“You are right!” said her mother. “We can eat a bite, then get ready for the party. Burt, do you mind putting something on the table while I return a few calls?”

“Sure, Charlotte,” Burt said. “I’ll cook something, and Risa can help me—won’t you, please, Darlin’?” he said.

“Por supuesto!” she said. “Anything for you, Burt!”

Xi rolled her eyes again, and Robin laughed, and poked her in the side. “Better get used to it! You know that, don’t you?”

Xi smiled. “I suppose you’re right!”

“Amen!” said Burt, and walked in the house, holding Risa’s hand.

“Wow, such PDAs!” said Xi, to make sure Burt and Risa heard her.

“What’s that?” said Pearl, as they all walked into the house.

“Public Displays of Affection!” said Pearl’s mother. “Yes, some don’t like it, but people need to see more of God’s true love in action!”

Burt went to the kitchen. “Girls, do you mind helping me? Many hands make light work. We can eat, clean the kitchen, get the rest of our plans done. The party doesn’t start till 6:30, so we’ll leave about 6:15.”

“If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a nap,” Xi said. “All that love-stuff wore me out.”

Pearl laughed. “You did great! But Jesus took naps, so go for it,” she said. “You are going with us tonight, right?”

“I’m not sure,” said Xi. “We’ve already partied at the nursing home today!”

“There will be fun and games and good food tonight,” said Risa.

“You don’t want anything to eat?” Pearl’s mother asked.

“No ma’am, thank you. Just a nap. I think I’m still catching up on my sleep from years ago.”

Probably! thought Pearl. Daddy God, please give her sweet sleep, and visit her in her dreams!

As they set the table, Robin said, “I hope some of the residents will come to church—or at least check out the website.”

“If they can drive, they might,” Pearl said, remembering couple of elderly people in wheelchairs, sitting on the porch all bundled up. “Anyway, Queen Mother says they can get healed online, because the Holy Spirit is everywhere! I know God tells us to go to church if we can there, though, to love on our brothers and sisters in Christ, and learn more about Him—and to worship,” she said. “That’s my favorite part.”

Risa nodded, sitting the salad on the table. “Well said, Princess. Would you two get the boys please?”

They nodded, and as they walked up the stairs, Robin said, “Mom says it’s not our spirits that need church, ‘cause they are perfect when Jesus comes in, but it’s really our minds and feelings and wills—that need to be washed.”

Lucas and Robert followed Pearl and Robin down the staits. “What are we having?” Robert said. “I’m hungry!”

“Sandwiches and salad,” Risa said. “Let’s pray.”

They joined hands and prayed. As they ate, Pearl thought, Thank You, LORD, for this great life! It just gets better!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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