Encourage Yourself
by Olawale Ogunsola

Encourage Yourself.
"And at the evening sacrifice I arose up from my heaviness;and having rent my garment and my mantle, I fell upon my knees, and spread out my hands unto the Lord my God." Ezra 9:5. KJV.

It is the portion of all those who have become members of the Lord's family or Kingdom. In the presence of God is fullness of joy. So, all those who are in His presence are to be filled with joy twenty four hours of the day and seven days in a week.

There is no gainsaying the fact that many times, it is either the joy is completely missing or not full in the life of people of God. This is a truth we can not run away from. The vital question is, "What can we do? Before delving into that, let's discuss briefly what steals God's people's joy.

*The Arch enemy of mankind has always been the devil. There is nothing he cannot do to terminate the joy of people of God. He carries out dastardly acts in various forms to steal, obstruct, or dilute their joy. A detailed example is readily available in the story of Job, the righteous.

**The greed of man. This may appear to be unimportant but it is a way by which many saints deny themselves full joy of the Lord. Greed will not allow a man to remember and appreciate what the Lord has done in his life. He will focus on what he is expecting but has not received. This will blind his vision from seeing good things the Lord has done. This will create sadness which the Lord has not made for His people. Contentment gives room for joy. A righteous man is pleased with the little that he has. He will not allow what he wants to have to deny him his God-given right of joy.

***Another thief of joy is iniquities. When sins come in, no doubt about that, a room is open for sadness. A sinner cannot raise up his eyes unto the Lord for anything. He needs to repent and confess his sin to be restored back into his joyful relationship with the Lord.

Let me state here that iniquities of other people of God most especially from unexpected quarters can give a righteous man heaviness of heart. Hearing or seeing people of God doing things to provoke God to Anger will deny him joy in His presence. He will be sorry for the sins being committed by his people because he will identify with them. He knows the consequences of provoking God to answer. So he will not be happy seeing Him being angry with His people.

Ezra, the Priest and the Scribe is an example of this. He was sad for the sins committed by his people and took the necessary steps.

What were the steps?

*He encouraged himself. He did not sit down indefinitely mourning for the iniquities of God's people. He rose to take right steps. No one was available to encourage him but he encourage himself into taking action. Brooding without an end could not solve any problem but taking right action gets things done.

*He went into the best position that solves all problems, he went on his knees and spread out his out to pray to the Owner of Heaven and Earth to sort things out so that his joy may be restored to him.

*On his knees, he confessed his sins with those of his people with which they have provoked God into anger.
*Restitution was carried out among God's people to normalize their relationship with the Lord their God, details available in Ezra Chapters nine and ten.

Beloved, how often do you experience the joy of the Lord? It has to flow in your heart always. What are those things that bring your soul down? Encourage yourself to go on your knees and pour out your heart before the only One who can do something perfectly for you to change your situation for the best.
On the other hand, if you have not known Him or you have lost your relationship with the Lord for a long time, you can be restored into God's family.

SALVATION MESSAGE: In case you just "stumble"on this piece and you do not know your Creator or you have been so far deceived with one religion or the other, I am happy to inform you that TODAY is the appointed time to be reconciled with your Maker.
*Accept the truth that you are a sinner and cannot help yourself.
*Confess all your sins to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive you, He will surely do.
*Ask the Lord to occupy and control your heart forever.
*Request Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit to with you forever.
* Obtain a copy of the Holy Bible for daily reading and application for great benefits.
*Join an assembly of God's children where the Scripture is held in high esteem for fellowship and growth.
May the Lord help you to walk with Him for the rest of your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
All Scriptures quoted are from King James Version of the Holy Bible.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites www.4thlink.wordpress.com and www.peacelink.wordpress.com for more quality contents.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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