Christ, or Crisis?
by Tonja Taylor

John to the seven assemblies (churches) that are in Asia: May grace (God’s unmerited favor) be granted to you and spiritual peace (the peace of Christ’s kingdom) from Him Who is and Who was and Who is to come, and from the seven Spirits [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] before His throne,--Revelation 1:4, AMPC

This world is full of crises, and that is never God's plan.

He created us for peace, and every true Believer wants it, for the Prince of Peace, the LORD Jesus, lives in our hearts and helps us desire the way He always meant for our lives to be.

True peace is only found in Christ. When we draw closer to the LORD and learn His ways, we have much more of crisis-free Heaven on earth! 

His Plan from The Garden of Eden was always love, peace, ease, satisfaction, abundance; every good thing, and the absence of evil. 

May mercy, [soul] peace, and love be multiplied to you.--Jude 1:2, AMPC

Every true Believer in what the pure blood of Jesus Christ did on the cross over 2,000 years ago to forgive and cleanse everyone who will believe and receive His sacrifice is due a crisis-free life on earth. However, there are conditions we must meet. 

The spiritual and the carnal world (world system) both work on cause and effect, which is really seed-time and harvest (Galatians 6:7). 

Then if indeed that house is deserving, let come upon it your peace [that is, freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the result of sin]. But if it is not deserving, let your peace return to you.--Matthew 10:13, AMPC

If "crises" keep happening in your life, then the devil has an open door to come cause trouble for you and your house (your family, your life). (Ask me how I know!)

So how do you find peace from these storms?

Every situation is a bit different, but the enemy has no new tricks, and human carnal attitudes, called "being in the flesh" (acting from our mind, will, emotions instead of being led by the Spirit of God) are the same. So the basic answer is: Ask the LORD for wisdom and understanding about a particular situation. Often, the enemy is able to afflict, or cause trouble, for Believers, because they are holding a grudge against someone. This is a form of strife, which is part of division. "Grudge" is another word for offense, or "ought", which almost always involves unforgiveness and can include bitterness and unresolved anger, and other things not of God. 

So--and this is never going to hurt you or me or anyone else who does it, even if we do this every day, every hour!--a powerful thing to do to get rid of chaos and crisis, and to live in more peace, is to ask the LORD to forgive you for judging others and being angry and disappointed with them, then to choose to forgive them!

If the LORD instructs you to do this, especially face to face with the one(s) with whom you are offended--and He's had me do this to several people, even though in my heart, I was like, but they need to ask my forgiveness!--it will be uncomfortable. It will probably be awkward, for you and them! Some may smirk, like they have won a victory over you. It's okay. When you obey the LORD, He will reward you, and He will heal your heart and give you peace. It may take longer with some people than others, depending on how they've hurt you, but the LORD will give you victory; peace, which is your goal.

So remember your goal--to get rid of crisis, and experience more of Christ.

You can do this!

Another thing I've learned is to speak out loud that I forgive those who've hurt me, and release all my unmet expectations and disappointments of them to the LORD.

Ironically, almost all the time, most people have no idea they have hurt you! They are just being their carnal, selfish selves--Christians (including preachers and other ministers!) in church, or not!)

Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!--Luke 17:1, KJV

One excellent physical example of forgiveness, which I learned from Apostle Joan Hunter a few years ago, is to get a full water bottle and hold it as long as you can, with your arm straight out. Pretend the water bottle (remember, fill it with water) contains your bad feelings; unforgiveness; offense; ought/anger; disappointment, etc., and hold it as long as you can. You can speak out loud to the LORD how you forgive this person or people, while you imagine them in front of you. When you cannot hold it any more, let it drop, and say out loud that you are also dropping--forsaking--all these bad feelings toward the person or people at the same time. 

The sweet Holy Spirit Who is God, who knows all things and all people, and Whom, by the way, is our ultimate Comforter (so call on Him to comfort you!), will help you to overcome these things, and choose to forgive and live in peace.

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever—John 14:16, AMPC

Now, after we get rid of the bad stuff, we must ask the LORD to fill us with Himself, for empty is never enough, and in fact, can be dangerous. 

We can ask the LORD to fill us with Himself. He is Love (I John 4:8) and joy and peace. He is wisdom and glory and blessing and grace and strength. He is faith. 

Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others].--I Peter 4:8, AMPC

God will help you, and you will start to experience more peace. He is good! 

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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