Two Words That Can Sustain Your Marriage
by Olawale Ogunsola

"14:13 And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him: for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave, because in him there is found some good thing toward the LORD God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam." 1 Kings.
The rate at which marriages are breaking these days is alarming. This sacred institution has become debased to the extent that many men and women do not see any reason to venture into a "project that will fail".

This ought not to be so!

Do you know, my beloved reader, that every couple is looking for what is not available or what can never be available?

What is this?

Each person, male or female is looking for "a perfect man or woman" to marry. Have you ever seen one? Before anyone could start looking for someone who is perfect, I think it will be reasonable to ask oneself, "Am I perfect myself?"
If you are not perfect, why are you looking for a perfect man or woman?

Do you know that God is not interested in giving you a perfect man as your husband or perfect woman as your wife? He is only interested in giving you a right person for your life.

If you are able to get this by His favor, it is now left to you to make what you are given perfect to your taste in Him.

Do you know that impatience is one of the factors destroying marriages? What do I mean? Many couples are not able to identify Something Good in their partners. This is so, many times, because of negative comparison with others. Using other people as yardsticks to measure your man or woman will jeopardize your home in every sense of the word.

Otherwise, why can't you sit down to analyze your partner to identify that (or those) something good in him or her for your own good and that of your family?

Something Good you can look for which can help your marriage is having Something Good towards God. If he/she has something towards Him, the tendency is there that he/she will extend same to you and others.

From there, you can begin building your home and your spouse to fit in properly into your life.

Effect of this is that your identifying Something Good will strengthen your ability to tolerate him or her. For instance, a man prayed that God should give him a woman who will love the Lord more than she loves him. God granted the prayer. After marriage one day, a rift ensued between both. The wife outrightly declared that the husband should know that she loves God more than him. It was on that day that the man knew the Lord answered his prayer.

Whoever loves God will not think, talk or do evil to others, including his/her spouse. Beloved, can you try as much as possible to identify that Something Good in your partner which you can build your relationship around?

God appreciates this. How do I know that?

The quoted verse in the beginning of this write-up concerned the son of a wicked king in Israel whose name was Jeroboam. He did evil in the sight of the Lord until he became a bad pattern to make reference to. This made the Lord to deliver sore judgment on him and his household. They were to become food for birds and animals. It was only one of his sons who had something good towards God of Isreal who was exempted from "no grave for you judgment" from God on his father's household.

If God can value something good in man, why can't you do likewise to save your marriage? Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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