I Will Rejoice In The Lord
by Faith Jansky

I will rejoice, in the Lord,  
For He is my strength, and song!
I need not fear anything,
For unto Him, I belong.

I will rejoice in the Lord,
For He is my victory!
He has overcome all things,
And gives His power to me.

I will rejoice in the Lord!
For He is faithful, and true!
His word can’t ever fail;
He does what He says He’ll do.

I will rejoice in the Lord,
For by His death, I have life!
I am risen with Jesus,
And He keeps me through life’s strife.

I will rejoice in the Lord,
Even though trials draw near.
He is my Helper and Friend,
And He tells me not to fear.

I will rejoice in the Lord,
And praise Him, Who first loved me!
I will exalt His sweet name,
And walk in His victory!

I will rejoice in the Lord,
And praise, though the storms arise;
For one day storms will be past,
And I’ll see God with my eyes!

By Faith Jansky

Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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