P.O.W.E.R.* Girl IV - Ch. 02 - Practicing Princesshood
by Tonja Taylor

The next day, Princess Pearl woke and remembered. She smiled and opened her journal, where she kept her Vision List, and had written several things last night as she celebrated the new year with her family.                                                            

This year, I will become a teenager! Pearl thought.  And my birthday party will be a celebration of me really doing the practices of a true P.O.W.E.R.* Princess! Thank You, Jesus! 

“So, like Queen Mother says, ‘Preparation is the highest form of expectation!’”

“I can practice now, to really be ready! Besides, I want to certainly be doing these things when I enter GraceLight Academy!” 

She looked at herself in the mirror, and pretended to put a crown on her head. "I am a P.O.W.E.R.* Princess--a Princess of Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards! Yeah!"

Then she danced a bit, and jumped up and down. Vivace, who had been sleeping at her feet, barked, jumped up, and pranced around on the rug. 

“Vivace!” she said. “Today is January 1, and October 1 is my 13h birthday, and in most countries, I'd be an adult" But I don't think Queen Mother will go for that right now, she thought. Xi's going to be 15, and Queen Mother doesn't think she's grown, so anyway. 

"Yes, my puppy, this is my first day to really do the practices of princesses, like Queen Mother says; to practice princesshood!”

Vivace made a noise that sounded to Pearl like she agreed. 

"Yes," Pearl told the dog, "I know I've been doing some of these things, kind of, but I've been doing more reading about real princesses and queens. And the LORD will help me be the very best princess I can be!"

She reached down and picked up her little black Pomeranian and hugged her. "Now,” said Pearl, in a queenly voice to her puppy, "I've been planning and need to read the Royal Book to review my first Royal Act as a Princess of P.O.W.E.R.*Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards, Vivace!”

She opened her dresser drawer and pulled out the special journal she’d bought just for this. Inside the cover, she had written, “The Royal Account of the Royal Acts of One True Princess, Princess Ariel Dominique Walker—a.k.a., Princess Pearl.”

“First Royal Act: Give praise to Father God”.

"Yes," she said, and put Vivace down. "We thank and praise Daddy God the LORD first, and now, I can do that with my harp!” She looked at it on her shelf. I want to play that for Him later today, although I don’t really know how, but I know Ms. Sophia will start giving me lessons this week. Yay! 

She lifted her face and her hands and said, “I love You, Daddy God. You are so awesome! Thank You for making me a P.O.W.E.R.* Princess in Your Kingdom. And thank You that You are going to help me be the best Princess there ever was, including playing my royal harp to help people feel Your peace!”

She blew Him kisses. Then she sang, Jesus loves me! A thought came to her. Oh yeah! I want that to be the first song I learn on the harp!

"Vivace," she told her puppy, "Queen Mother saying that King Jesus loves music! So He will love me playing on the harp He gave me, and being taught by Ms. Sophia, the teacher He gave me to learn it!”

She said, “Know what else, Viv? He sings over us! It's in Zeck-something.......Hmm."

She looked closer to see the Scripture her mother had given her. "Oh, wait, it's Zephaniah—I think I said that right, but anyway, God knows what I mean! It’s that book, chapter 3, verse 17. I haven't read that book in a long time, but that is so cool that God sings over us! Isn't that amazing?"

She looked up to Heaven again, then shut her eyes. I keep seeing the light cover and that's not God, she thought. But I can see Daddy God much better when I have my eyes closed!

"Anyway, LORD, You are the real light, haha! Get it? I looked up and saw the light cover but YOU are the REAL thing!"

She clapped her hands in delight. "It  so NEAT that You sing over me and all of us! Hmmm. What do you sing? Can you tell me?”

She was quiet for a moment. I don't hear anything. But I know He hears me. “Hey! Jesus, when I sing to Father God, You sing too, right? ‘cause You are the Holy Spirit Who sings through me, so You must worship with me….right? How NEAT!"

"You know, Vivace," she told her puppy, who calmly looked at her, "Queen Mother said that every king of Israel had to be trained in the Law and have a copy of the Law made for them to rehearse every day. But she said those kings had scribes to write it for them.  I have to write my own, but that's OK. It's good practice!" 

Vivace's tail thumped on the rug as if she agreed. 

"OK," said Pearl, "here is my Second Royal Act as a Princess of P.O.W.E.R.*: Read and recite from the Royal Book every day.

"Yes, I'm so glad Queen Mother and Daddy taught me to read the Bible every day! And to memorize verses at home and Sunday School and such.  I wish Daddy were here. He'd help me with Psalms." 

She felt sad for a moment, but then smiled. "I know He’s in Heaven, and I bet he is talking to Jesus about Psalms, and maybe even sharing some jokes!" She laughed. 

"Okay, back to Royal acts.  I make the Royal decision to start with Psalms. Hmm….which one? They are all so good.” She was quiet for a moment, then smiled.

“Of course, Your Majesty Daddy God! Thank You for helping me! I will start at the beginning! Yes, Psalm One. And oh, yes, I think it wise to continue with the “Royal Wisdom of Proverbs” as Queen Mother says. So I will read Proverbs 1 today, too! The readings of these will be my Second Royal Act."

"Okay, now listen, Vivace," she said, and started to read. "Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather."

"Whew, Queen Mother says this Amplified Bible is good for me right now and years from now. There sure are lots of big words in here! OK, but she said I could handle it!"

She reached down and patted her puppy, then sat back up. "I think she said this verse means ignoring bad stuff and staying away from bad people.  OK, here's verse two. "But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the  instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night."

“Are you getting this, Viv?” she asked her dog, and patted her again.

Vivace licked her hand.

"More big words, and I think I said them right. I'm so glad Queen Mother taught me that "meditate" does not mean sitting in a weird position and spooky "mmms" to get to 'nothingness'--whatever that is. Besides, who in their right mind would want 'nothingness', Vivace?"

Her puppy whined a bit, as if trying to agree, and slapped her tail on the floor.

Pearl continued. "Anyway, whatever the world says, God said it first, only He said it right--positive, to help people!"

Vivace barked. Pearl reached down to scratch her ears. "I know you agree, my smart puppy! So, we keep away from the bad and focus on the good stuff--the God stuff, every day, and even if we wake in the middle of the night. Neat! Right, sweet puppy?"

Vivace barked again, as if to say Yes. 

"All right, let's go to Proverbs 1, then we'll see what my Third Royal Act will be!"

Faith without works is dead, she heard the Holy Spirit whisper in her heart. She thought of Second Corinthians 4. "Oh yes, that says, 'I believe, therefore I speak,' and I do that a lot, don't I, Jesus?" 

She giggled. "But Queen Mother says I also speak before I think too much, so sorry about that!"

Then she thought of  Titus. "Titus? Have I read that book? Is it in the Old Testament?"

She found it in the New Testament. "Ah, it says to do things that are good and honorable and profitable for people. True princesses should certainly do those.”

"Yes, Sir," she said, looking up to Heaven. "If we believe something, we act on it, like Queen Mother says, and that's faith!"

Wow, being a real Princess is hard work, she thought. Maybe my Third Royal Act could be to eat birthday cake this afternoon--and share some with others! 

Then, she thought. It's great to have a party just for me, but how can I use it to help people know Jesus? That’s what a P.O.W.E.R.* Princess would do!

Then she had a picture in her mind of Jesus on the cross. As His blood spilled out, each drop held a baby!

"Oh, Jesus, every birthday of all of us is really a birthday for You, for You are Life! Wow!" 

She jumped up and down again. "Vivace! The LORD is going to show me how He can use me practicing princesshood and my birthday party to bring more people to Him! Wow! This is going to be great!"

"What's going to be great?" asked Xi, walking in, her hair still wet. 

"You'll see, Xi!” Pearl said. “Jesus is the coolest, and He's going to show us neat things to help people! This is going to be the best year and birthday ever!"

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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