Lift the Levels of Your Reading Students With the Water of the Word!
by Tonja Taylor

11 With this in view we constantly pray for you, that our God may deem and count you worthy of [your] calling and [His] every gracious purpose of goodness, and with power may complete in [your] every particular work of faith (faith which is that leaning of the whole human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).   12 Thus may the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified and become more glorious through and in you, and may you [also be glorified] in Him according to the grace (favor and blessing) of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).--1 Thessalonians 1:11-12, AMPC

Today, the LORD showed me to “lift the (water) levels” of my online reading students with the living, cleansing, refreshing, nourishing Word of God!!

When the LORD made me bold by teaching me my rights in public schools, and online especially, He showed me that using the Word of God as a text is the most excellent choice! HALLELUJAH!!

I’d had a dream and a vision of using the Word of God to teach ESL, like a missionary I’d admired for a couple decades, who’d led many to Christ in other countries by using the Word of God in primers. 

I’d desired to do that, and had considered various options, while asking the LORD to show me how.

He’d inspired me to start using the Word (and articles and stories and poems about God, but mainly the texts straight from the Bible), and I’d discovered that the students may be surprised, but read the Word eagerly! Hallelujah!

Today, after such an excellent session with a third grader (who says she’s both Jewish and Catholic—from a split home, where both parents remarried), where she read the entirety of Psalm 34 and learned MANY new words and meanings!, the Holy Spirit imparted to me that I AM using the Bible to help others learn English—even native-born Americans--like schools used to do; like myself and many homeschool parents do! Glory!

Like the Master said to me a couple years ago, “They’re ALL Christian schools!” 

This doesn't mean they are all going to blatatnly follow Christ and have everything centered around Him, which, of course, is the way I think every "school" at home or otherwise should be. I believe it means they will  be saturated by the Word of God, and some leaders in schools 

I yield to the LORD, for as I tell Him, He is the Teacher, and the Creator of myself and every student. He is the Living Word, and knows exactly what the students need. Hallelujah!

Especially in public schools--which are paid to operate by our tax money!--we declare there are many who don't know all they could about the Word of God, that can and desires to change their lives for good! are here to reflect the LORD; to show others the true Savior, Jesus the Christ. 

And I, if and when I am lifted up from the earth [on the cross], will draw and attract all men  [Gentiles as well as Jews] to Myself.--John 12:32, AMPC

Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

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