P.O.W.E.R.* Girl IV - Ch. 09 - Fun Homeschool Projects
by Tonja Taylor

“Watchman, you know you’re supposed to stay outside!” Pearl said, as she and Robert came in the door, and hugged their mother.

“Okay, Queen Mother, we get P.E. points for raking Ms. Sophia’s yard, right?” Vivace barked and danced around Pearl’s feet, and she picked her up. Her dog sniffed the bits of old leaves and pine straw clinging to her jacket.

“Yes, you do,” said her mother, smiling, “but first, you and Rob go back out and brush yourselves off.”

“Ok—and oh yeah,” said Pearl. “Rob kept bugging me to let him drive it, but I told him he’s not old enough yet.”

“Right,” said her mother. “You guys need to wipe it down, so go back to the barn and find an old rag in Burt’s cabinet. Rob can do it.”

Robert glared at Pearl, and stomped outside.

Queen Mother said, “If he bugs you again, just tell him to talk to me.”

Pearl nodded.

“Also, when you kids finish cleaning the four-wheeler, then go change clothes for science class, which will be cooking science today. I’m going to let you make Robert Special cookies, mostly to say thank you to Ms. Sophia, for the treat to see the Lipizzaners.”

“Yay!” said Pearl. She took Vivace out to the barn with her, and Watchman followed them inside.

She walked over to Rob, who was kicking something on the ground. “Look, Sissie!” he said. “A giant mouse!”

Watchman ran up and sniffed it, and Catorce jumped down from above and made a noise, and swatted her paw at him. Watchman and Vivace both started barking loudly.

“Ugh!” said Pearl, picking up Vivace to hush her. “It’s not a mouse, it’s a rat! Yuck! At least Catorce is proving herself a good hunter!”

At that moment, Burt walked in. “What’s the noise about?”

They showed him the dead rat, and he said, “Hmm. God is good. I should have realized we may have rats around here. I can’t stand those things, and they can do a lot more damage than mice.”  He walked over to get a shovel. “I’ll bury the thing. You guys keep the dogs in here, ‘cause I don’t want them to find this pest and dig it up.” 

He picked it up with the shovel and said, “Yes, the best pest is a dead one. That cat is a keeper.” Then he laughed. “I’ll have to give Risa an extra kiss for suggesting we get a cat!”

Pearl walked over to get a rag for her and Robert to wipe down the four-wheeler. “Uncle Burt, you’ll use any excuse to kiss her!” she said, and giggled.

He nodded. “You’re right. When God truly connects you to your Covenant partner for life, you love them and want to be around them. This was the way your mom and dad were, remember, Punkin?”

“Yes sir,” Pearl said, and felt a little sad. Jesus, please tell Daddy I said hi.

Her uncle put down the shovel and hugged her. “No worries, little one. Your daddy is probably fishing in the Crystal Sea, and bragging on Jesus with the rest of the people!”

At that, Pearl and Robert both laughed. “Yeah, and I bet Daddy catches the biggest fish, too!” Rob said.

“I’m sure!” said Burt, picking up the shovel again, and opening the door. “Watchman, come with me,” he said, and patted his dog. “Kids, thanks for cleaning that, and I bet you have more homeschooling to do now, so I’ll see you at lunch or so, okay? Love you!”

“Love you too, Unc!” said Robert, and waved.

He and Pearl finished, then went to wash up, then to the kitchen.  Their mom had all the ingredients and bowls and spoons ready on the island.

“Yay!” said Robert. “We’re making Robert Specials today!”

“Right!” said his mom. “To say thank you to Ms. Sophia.”


They made three huge, pizza-shaped cookies, and Queen Mother put them in the car to take it to her.

Xi opened the door, and smiled really big. “Wow, guys, good to see you!” she said. “I’m almost done with my work for the day, so is it all right if I ride back with you? I walked up, but it’s chilly today!”

“Sure!” said Pearl’s mother. “Rob, make sure you hold your giant Robert Special tightly!”

He nodded. Pearl carried the card they had all signed. Rob walked up first to Ms. Sophia, in her big chair. “This is for you, dear lady,” he said, and handed her the big cookie, then hugged her.

“Ah,” she said, and smiled. “A Robert Special, all for me?”

“Yep!” he said, and beamed. “Thank you for the horse show!”

Pearl gave her the card, and hugged her too. “Yes, Ms. Sophia! That was so special!”

“My pleasure!” said Ms. Sophia. “It was a birthday present to me!”

“Ms. Sophia, you are so kind,” said Pearl’s mother.

“Todopoderoso es muy generoso!” said Ms. Sophia. “God is very generous!”

“Our delight is in our giving,” said Pearl’s mother. “So you must stay delighted!”

Ms. Sophia nodded. “Yes,” she said, motioning to Xiomara to come hug her, “and Xi is very generous to me!”

Xi hugged her and said, “But you pay me, Ms. Sophia, and now you’re going to be my foster parent and all!”

“Of course, dear girl,” said Sophia. “It is God’s wonderful Plan!” There was a twinkle in her eye, as she said, “You would help me anyway. You have a lovely heart!”

Xi shook her head. “Not me, but I can do a nice thing once in a while,” she said. “Excuse me, guys, I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

She’s softening up, Jesus, thought Pearl. Ms. Sophia is good for her! You always know what works!

“Xiomara needs to return with us today for her studies, Ms. Sophia, so she can ride with us,” said Pearl’s mother. “I’ll count her walking to your house in the cold as her P.E.”

“She is a good soldier!” said Ms. Sophia.

Xi smiled. “I’ll get my jacket, but first, let me clean up the kitchen a bit more.”

“Xi is such an excellent housekeeper!” said Ms. Sophia. “Better than me!”

“That’s great, Ms. Sophia!” said Pearl. “She keeps her side of the room really neat, too.”

“Yes…soon, she will have her own bedroom here, when I’m finally certified as her parent,” said Ms. Sophia.

Xi came back out. “That will be good,” Xi said, and smiled.

She seems so at peace! thought Pearl. Thank You, Jesus, You are healing her heart!

“OK, kids, let’s go back home, and we’ll work on the garden project, to combine math and English today. We’re going to map out the space, and talk about crops to plant, and figure how many square yards of space and NON-gmo seeds we need, along with the time for the plants to bear fruit. We’ll also talk about taking them to the farmers market, and—”

“Let’s call them Grace Gardens, and give a tithe to the foodbank to help the needy families!” interrupted Pearl.

Her mother smiled. “My Pearl Girl, that is a brilliant idea! I will let you put your ideas on paper, and talk to us about that,” she said. “So you kids hug Ms. Sophia, and get in the car, and we’ll have a bite of lunch, then get on our project.”

They said goodbye to their dear friend, and Pearl’s heart was very happy. She looked at the trees, bare from winter, but in her mind, she could see them green, full of leaves, and envision lots of acres of plants, full of good things to eat. Hey, Jesus! We could teach the neighborhood kids how to grow and harvest the food, too! she thought. Then they could grow food for themselves! She smiled up at Him. You are the ultimate Gardener, so thank You for these very cool ideas!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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