P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 11 - State Tests and Xi's 15 Birthday
by Tonja Taylor

The next day, they headed for Little Rock to the church where the state testing was being done.  Pearl’s mother stopped the car, and said, “Okay, kiddos, bow your heads, and let’s pray. God cares about every detail of our lives. He is a good, good Daddy!”

They prayed, and got out. Pearl was excited. How neat that we can do this in Your house, LORD! she thought. As they walked in, she admired the huge building, high ceilings, chandeliers, and tall staircase. She touched Xi on the arm, and pointed across the foyer. “Wow! Look at the beautiful banners! That red one has ‘King of kings and LORD of lords’ and it’s gorgeous!”

“Yeah, I can read,” said Xi, but kept looking around..

She seems distracted, thought Pearl. Peace to her, LORD. She’s probably nervous about the test.

Xi looked on her phone. “Yeah!” she said, and smiled. “This is gorgeous—the lead singer of my favorite rock group!” She showed Pearl a picture.

He looks yucky! thought Pearl. I don’t like that big skull on his t-shirt, either! Why is that cool to some people? It doesn’t make sense!

“Hmm,” she said. A Princess is polite, she thought, with God’s help!

“You’d like the music, if you ever listened to it, I bet,” said Xi, almost defensively.

Pearl was about to reply, when she caught her mother’s gaze. Her mother shook her head slightly, and said, “OK, kiddos, let’s get ready for the test. I’ll take all cell phones—”

“I don’t have one yet!” interrupted Robert.

His mother sighed, and held out her hands to Xi and Pearl. “Right. You’ll have one when the time is right, sweetie. Do you have any toys that I need to keep, so you won’t be distracted?”

Xi looked irritated, but handed her phone over. Pearl did, too, and they walked to the registration desk.

The women at the desk gave them their room numbers, and name tags to stick on their clothes.

“I don’t like wearing these stupid name tags,” Xi growled quietly, while they watched Pearl’s mother help Robert with his. “They make me feel like I’m in first grade!”

“I don’t either,” Pearl replied. “But anyway, God will help us do well.”

“Right,” Xi replied, and sighed.

Daddy God, please help Xi focus and remember, and understand the test, Pearl thought. Thank You.

“Girls, you go upstairs to your rooms, and I’ll stay with Robert in his room down here,” said Pearl’s mother.  “God bless you both, my smart students!”

“Thanks, Queen Mother!” Pearl said, and hugged her mom. “You are a good teacher!”

“Always my sunshine!” said her mother, and hugged her back. She hugged Xi too. “No worries, Xi, because a test is just a small measure of what you know, and an even smaller measure of who you are.”

Xi nodded, and didn’t say anything.

“C’mon, Xi, let’s go get ‘em!” said Pearl. They started up the stairs, and Xi still wasn’t talking.

“You know, I’m sure we can get an ice cream or something when we’re done. We’ll deserve it!”

“Cool,” Xi replied, looking at the room numbers. “There it is. Well, here goes nothin’!” She waved, and went in the classroom.

Pearl found hers, and walked in. The woman inside waved her over to a chair.

“Glad you’re here, and thank you for being early.”

“My mother always says, ‘To be early is to be on time’!” Pearl said, and smiled. She looked around, and read some of the Scriptures on the posters on the wall. Peace I leave with you….not as the world gives…” She smiled. I know it’s going to be all right for us all, LORD, for You are with us, she thought.


“That was great of you, Mrs. Williams,” Xi said from the back seat, as they headed home later that day. “The Mexican food and ice cream went down really well after that stressful test!”  She put her earbuds in, and looked at her phone.

“Ice cream is good any time!” said Pearl. “And you liked it when they brought out the sombrero for you to wear for her early birthday celebration—feliz cumpleanos—and danced around!” said Pearl. She poked Xi on the leg.

“Yeah!” said Robert.

Pearl saw Xi shake her head. “Not really. I’m just good at pretending when I need to be.”

“Well, Xi,” said Pearl’s mother, “you were a very good sport. Are you sure you don’t want to have a quinceañera, since you’re turning 15, like the manager asked when you told him your age?”

“Ah, no thanks, Mrs. Williams,” said Xi, sounding uncomfortable. “Ms. Sophia already asked me that. I know she likes parties, but today is just right. I really don’t want a big deal.”

Pearl’s mother laughed. “Wow, we’re a couple of weeks early, and she still beat us in planning!” She smiled at Xi in the rearview mirror. “Xi, Ms. Sophia loves you very much, and now she’s officially your foster parent, which is great. I do think she’s going to insist on some kind of party, so if you would please let her do that---just us and Risa and her kids---I’m sure that’ll work. Perhaps we can just get pizza delivery, or whatever, if you want something laid back.”

“Yes, laid back is great,” said Xi, “if we have to do something.”

“God celebrates your birthday every day!” said Pearl, and smiled at her big.

Xi just stared at her for a moment. “How do you know?”

“Well…” said Pearl, and grabbed her phone. She typed in “delight” in her Bible app, and and found several Scriptures. “Here’s one reason—Psalm 18:19, where it says God “brought me into the open; He rescued me because He delighted in me.”  

“OK, you win,” said Xi. “Maybe He can help me pass my permit test.”

“He sure can, Xi,” said Pearl. “Want me to help you study?”

“No thanks,” said Xi.

“Ok, new subject,” said Pearl’s mother, as she switched lanes. “I want you guys to be prepared to stuff to Ms. Sophia’s house tomorrow. She wants us to go ahead and start the process, so it won’t be such a rush, especially with the wedding coming up.”

“Yay!” said Pearl. “Can we spend the night at her house before it’s all moved?”

“Yeah!” said Robert. “I want to spend every night at Ms. Sophia’s!”

“We shall see, Robert,” said his mother. “Your good choices and good behavior will help you get to stay more nights with her—understand?”

“Yes ma’am,” he said quietly.  “I’ll be really good. I love Ms. Sophia!”

Yes, Jesus! thought Pearl. Let him move there, and I’ll have a few days without him in the house, before I move in! She giggled.

“It’s not funny, Pearl!” said Robert

“I’m so glad you’re not being rude, Robert!” said his mother, pointedly.

They all got quiet.

Thank You, LORD, that You are helping my little brother learn manners—please! thought Pearl. You are very patient with us all!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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