by Rachel Jamerson

"Good morning, Jason. Thank you for taking part in this interview."

"Sure, I understand we will be talking about God."

"That is right, is your position pro or con?"

"I am pro, of course. Have you ever considered the vastness of this awesome universe we live in?"

"Why do you attribute the existence of our universe to a God?"

"Think about Earth. The oceans. The mountains. The forests. The millions of forms of life. Thunderstorms. Volcanoes. Snow. Our history includes past civilizations and enormous monstrous dinosaurs. All of this didn't just happen."

"I take it you are not a proponent of the theory of evolution."

"You mean the Big Bang theory think about it: a good example of that theory would be the same as if a library exploded and produced books."

"That is a little extreme, don't you think Jason?"

"In my mind, it is much easier to believe in God than in evolution. Consider there are at least 10 trillion planetary systems in the known universe. Notice the "at least". That is 10,000,000,000,000. Earth would be "1" of those. ~Hrishikesh Rajurkar, (BMC Software). This quote boggles my mind. To be honest I do not believe the human mind can completely comprehend this fact. We as individuals are not even a speck of dust in the universe. There must be more to life than what is visible. The universe is a big place, how could you know what you say is true and if so, where does man fit in?"

"Man is just one of the life forms on this earth, however, his presence is the single most mitigating factor. Even with our limited intelligence, great advancements have been accomplished. The transistor was probably one of the most life-changing advances in my mother's lifetime. The first working device to be built was a point-contact transistor invented in 1947 by American physicists John Bardeen and Walter Brattain while working under William Shockley. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It opened a whole new world of technology of which our smartphones today are a product."

"But you just said this was invented by Bardeen and Brattian."

"Man did not invent electricity only the devices that use it. I am always amazed when some new discovery is introduced people seem to believe it to be a product of the intelligence of man. Granted it may have been a man who revealed it but remember science was always there a product of our Creator, man just discovered it."

"All this is impressive however, a large percentage of our population believes otherwise. What makes you think your position is the correct one?"

"Individual beliefs concerning the origin of the universe may differ; however, I choose to believe in a divine creator. In my finite mind just what I can comprehend demands a divine creator. Personally, I accept the Hebrew bible's account of creation. I have found it to be reliable in every way. I also believe it is the Creator's personal communication to mankind."

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors. It is a compilation of 66 separate books, divided into two primary divisions. The Old Testament (containing 39 books) and the New Testament (containing 27 books). It is harmonious throughout, and despite being written so long ago remains relevant to all generations. These facts alone would demand divine inspiration."

"But what about those who do not read the Bible?"

"A very prominent excuse for not reading the bible is 'it's too hard to understand.' 'Much study is a weariness to the flesh.' Ecclesiastes 12:12. True many will find it confusing, but diligence produces results. Even with obstacles to overcome, an amazingly simple understanding is the difference between 'thou shalt' and 'thou shalt not.' If you master this alone, your life will be better than most."

"This is a lot of information, Jason, we will explore your opponent's position next week. Thank you for taking part in this discussion."

rachelrjamerson.com   After becoming a Christian, my desire to write and quest for answers were dedicated to understanding God?s message to man. What exactly was He saying and why were there so many different interpretations? As a result, I became an avid student of scripture. 

God gave me the desire to learn, research, study and write all of which I enjoy. When you can plainly see the path God has set before you it becomes easier to overcome the obstacles placed by the enemy. The scriptures are a light for your pathway.  If you desire to know the truth, you will and the truth will set you free from bondage.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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