by linzy bruno


For those overwhelming moments

Your Word inspires me before the day

has even begun,

pondering the unfathomable work

it took all those men and the scribes

I must admit;

I have none.


For even as a writer I become stumped;

out of words over the most important book ever so aligned,

while the sound of heavenly laughter

enters my room

in new awakened and unflawed design.


I shout in my mind

over the wonder in which

no words can ever attest;

at least none big enough

to outshine the awe

I would so much like to express.


Those Words of Yours,

so eloquently

turning to each new page,

capture my attention,

like nothing else in which I engage.


Of Your Words O Lord, I have none worthy,

let me just say they capture my delight;

and fill my tears with joy,

Your Majesty and Brilliance;

I adore with all my might.


And Your Word doth illuminate

And exalt Your children

In the great and remnant church,

of anything else comparable,

no heartwarming entity,

is neither worthy of time nor search.





Linzy is a certified Bible Counsellor, with countless republications on her viewers blogs, Bible Studies, Ezines and the like. Her portfolio includes, non-fiction articles, short stories for all ages, and Christian poetry. 

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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