One Thing God Wants From You
by Tonja Taylor

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “LORD, I am coming.”- Psalm 27:8, NLT 

The LORD is so good! He gives us every good thing.

Here is the main thing He wants from us, above all: To be with Him!

The LORD created mankind (all humans) for relationship with Him. From the very beginning, when He (Elohim, the Creator, the Godhead) created the world (Genesis 1), His desire was to have a kids, whom he could love on, and who would choose to love Him back. 

We don't know how long the LORD enjoyed communing with His first children, Adam and Eve, but when they betrayed Him and started following the enemy instead, that perfect fellowship was broken. That wonderful loving connection between God and His children was severed.

God did not destroy them, for He loved them. Instead, He covered them—and that is what He does for us today. His mercy and grace are astounding, and His will is that we know Him and have a sublime, deep, eternal relationship with Him as our Abba Father and we as His precious children. He wants us to rest and rejoice in His faithful Love.

The LORD sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ the Messiah, to earth at the proper time, to die a sinner’s death.

God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.—John 3:17, NLT

Jesus never sinned, of course, but He was our Substitute, the “whipping boy,” Who took the punishment each one of us should have had—but could never pay! Hallelujah, bless the LORD!)shed His blood on the cross, to pay for all our sins, our wrongs.

When Jesus died and paid the eternal price for our salvation, the thick curtain or veil, that was separating us from being able to have that close fellowship with the LORD, was torn! We were then free to reconnect with God—and He was free to reconnect with us!

See, when man sinned in the Garden, He was no longer covered with the Glory of God. In man’s fallen state, he was uncovered, rather, and then clothes in rags of sin and filth and shame, bondage, and every other wrong thing.

Humans were no longer able to be with God, because of the purity of our holy God, that would have destroyed the people, because of the sin. Just like if a fireman doesn’t wear a protective suit in a raging fire, or if an astronaut doesn’t wear the right “clothing” when he goes into space; they would perish immediately!

But God made a way for us to know Him personally, and become part of His eternal Royal Family! To do that, we must first meet His Son, Jesus, and acknowledge that we could never be good enough on our own to get to Heaven (in spite of many misteachings in the world about that!). 

Jesus Christ, the only true Savior, is ever near and always ready to respond to our sincere cries for His help. We can come to Him and repent of our sins, and ask Him to forgive and cleanse us, and to come into our lives and be our Savior and LORD.

That's what being "born again" means; it is a spiritual thing. Then, the LORD starts teaching us His ways, through us reading the Bible, talking to Him (prayer, and just communicating in our hearts and with out words to Him); going to Bible-based church; becoming friends with others who truly love and follow Christ; and true worship of the only Savior, Jesus the LORD, the Christ. 

There is no guarantee in the world of peace nor safety. The only true Guarantee of a blessed and eternal life after our bodies die, and of a guided and protected and satisfying life here (all the more as we learn and obey the Word of God, the Holy Bible!), is to meet and accept Jesus. He is our only true Help for victory--but that is everything!

Go for it! Jesus your Savior is waiiting to help and save and bring you into wonderful relationship with Him today!

He is faithful to hear and answer all who call on Him in truth!

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.--Romans 10:13


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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