Biblical Perspective on U.S. Border Security
by Jerry Smith

If we examine U.S. border security, we can see striking similarities between the spiritual and the temporal. The Bible offers a distinction between God and the world. And to enter the kingdom of God, we must be born again.

The book of Revelation tells us there will be people in heaven while others will be on the outside. God does not open the gates of heaven and let everyone in, though everyone is invited.

There is a proper entrance to heaven: Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to heaven except through Him. And Christ warned us that those coming into the sheepfold apart from the proper entryway are not the real deal.

America welcomes immigrants. The poem on the Statue of Liberty reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." The fact that we have immigration policies also demonstrates our open arms.

But as a sovereign nation, we are simply asking that people come through the proper way, use the proper door of immigration, stop illegally crossing our borders, and enter through legal channels. As Christians, we need to find the balance between theology and compassion.

Christians who say that we must show compassion for suffering people are right—as Christians, we must, and as a nation, we do. We are an extremely generous nation. The Good Samaritan took care of his enemy the suffering Jew. The U.S.A. is doing just that by aiding other countries—even those that do not adhere to our values.

Should the U.S. destroy its way of life to allow people who illegally cross our borders to take advantage of or harm us? And what of reports of terrorists entering the country? Are we to love our enemies to our own demise?

True, we are commanded to love our enemies, but not knowingly bring them into our homes to hurt us and our families. Just to be Christian, some would jeopardize the safety of their fellow citizens and loved ones to bring unvetted people into the country.

Churches and groups of Christians who sidestep the law to accommodate illegal immigrants forsake God's command to obey the government, placing their ideologies above God's command, while putting the lives of fellow Americans at risk.

Jesus Christ showed us balance between loving your enemies and not letting your enemies harm you. We forget that during His earthly ministry, even Christ avoided areas where people wanted to harm Him because it was not yet His time. He escaped persecutors who were intent on killing Him.

In saying that we should accept everyone that crosses our borders illegally, some Christians intimate they know better than God. Until people have been properly screened, we should take a lesson from God. If God makes distinctions between people and requires proper entry to heaven, can we not apply those points to this situation? Are emotions and trends getting in the way of our Christianity?


Jerry is a bi-vocational missionary pastor-teacher in the Philippines with educational attainments ranging from bachelor to doctorate degrees in various fields. He has been writing since he was a child and continues to this day through articles, blogs, devotions, e-books, and more. 

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