by Segun Olumide *VOICE OF THE PROPHETS: 2024 & BEYOND — PART 2 of 3* Sunday 10th March, 2024 By Segun Olumide
Ezekiel 14:14 KJV Going through some of the prophetic words for this year by some servants of God, this Scripture above comes to mind. I believe God wants to release Noahs, Daniels, and Jobs, who will neither compromise their integrity nor sell their conscience no matter what happens! *NOAH* Gen.6.9 NIV Gen.7.1 NIV
Dan.1.8 NLT
Job.1:1,8,22, NLT Job.1:1,8,22, NIV Job.1:1,8,22, MSG Job.2:3,9-10, NLT Job.2:3,9-10, NIV Job.2:3,9-10, MSG Now, in this part 2, the following prophetic voices will be featured: *(8) TOMI ARAYOMI (APOSTLE)* *(9) CHRIS REED (PROPHET)* *(10) BILL HAMON (PROPHET)*
*2024 GLOBAL PROPHECY: The Year Of The Incorruptibles* It's such a privilege to be broadcasting this word to you across many platforms as we light the way into 2024 and Beyond. The Lord calls this year the Year of the incorruptibles rising. The Lord says I am raising up an incorruptible seed that My Son died for and you will see the corruptible for what it is says the Lord; for this will be the days of Noah for my eyes are searching throughout the Earth looking for the man and woman of righteousness that I can command to build the arks of safety for what will come past the year 2030 says your God. Now in Genesis 6:11, the scripture says about Noah it says now the Earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence or as the Hebrew word says "Hamas." The Lord says in 2024 corruption shall hit a new high and you will watch as men and woman in positions of power through corruption set up things but the Lord says not by me and it will be like the days of Hosea where in Chap 8:3 to 4, scripture says Israel has rejected the good. The enemy will pursue him. They set up kings without my consent. They chose princes without my approval. With their silver and gold they make idols for themselves to their own destruction. The Spirit of God says my eyes are upon the nations that are setting up their own political leaders without my consent and permission and through corruption are placing their own favorites upon ballots for you will cry this is evil. You will say this is corrupt, this cannot stand, but I will say oh strong nations how else can I cause the incorruptible to arise if I don't make your corruptors SAR for the Earth will be filled with the spirit of corruption and violence or Hamas? And the Lord says you will see the two going together for as corruption increases so will violence and you will know that you have crossed into the days of Noah for I am watching you America, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, South Africa. I am watching you and the more your sterile corruption rises, I will cause the violence, the Hance to increase with it for I am looking for the man and woman of incorruption to arise; for this will be a season where I will announce judgment upon the thrones of the earth and there will be shakings and reshufflings of nations, states count bers and you will watch as I shake and deal with the kings that have set themselves up without my consent says the Lord. I am looking for the incorruptibles who I can put in charge of my whole house those who do not love silver and have no regard for gold. The scripture says since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart having been born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible through the word of God which lives and abides forever that's 1 Peter 1: 22-23. I'm watching over the nations. I'm looking for the remnant who grieve over the sin of the land in which they dwell in. Those who are willing to wash themselves in the blood of the Lamb so that I can entrust them and put them over the Affairs of my house. 6 years left. Tell this people, 2023 has ended and you now have 6 years left. 6 years in which to submit to me that I might show you your six-year plan. The time will accelerate. Things will move much faster says the Lord and within this window you will see even strange weather phenomenon rising in the earth — historic winds, record heats, tornadoes in countries within Europe and England that have not seen wind storms and floodings for a long time. This will sweep across the Earth for this will be the year of the intense Global groanings of the earth that men will call Global War. And the Lord says if you will move away from a religious spirit I will grant you an economic anointing and I will raise up a new Apostolic bulldozing breed within the marketplace for the Lord says when winter is coming and I must replace your show horses with war horses and 2030 shall be the year of the clampdown of what has been considered money for so long and the UK shall be a poster (foster [sic]) child of a wickedness that the enemy will try to circulate around the whole world as a new means of equity and the ending of poverty and providing sustainability, but the weapons they use to end poverty shall also be the same weapons that men shall use to force compliance of voices. So, I say to you oh generation of apostolic leaders it is time for you to shift your thinking outside of the structures that exist today, for there is a clamp down coming and an economic manipulation that I want my people to live outside of something will start within Europe that will spread to many nations and still the remnant nations will not adopt this says the Lord. 2030 will be a day that many shall rejoice not knowing that pharaohs are rising up to deal wisely with the people and this is manipulation disguised in equality and equity for all. 2024 shall begin a race towards automation that shall call for Congress to make decisions that shall be too late in it; even Africa shall have a voice and many ideas and ingenious dreams and visions shall come forth to create solutions that will raise many out of poverty into great wealth but the season of automation and artificial intelligence shall spring into unimaginable and what the Lord calls unmanageable new norms for in it there will be great fear but I will spring up and show men great solutions. Watch, says the Lord, as I raise up those who men considered madmen. Watch as I break the unholy alliances of your media channels through remnant jus that are willing to be mad men for a season that they might speak against political correctness and your religious agendas for the Lord says you are still in the year of the mouth and I desire for a people to consider, confer and speak up. Watch, America, as your season changes right in front of your eyes and hyperboles and extremes take over your television screens again. Watch ... even in the month of January, your enemy tries to stir up old contentions but I will declare enough. Father, those partnering with you right now, we declare enough. Satan, cease and desist off of the nations in Jesus' name. (If you believe that just say Amen ...) I'm not one to mention secular names but Isaiah the prophet, years before Daniel met this man called Cyrus, Isaiah the prophet mentioned his name. He was a secular man but he was a secular influential man that was instrumental in destroying Babylon and setting up a new kingdom that led the children of Israel out of Babylonian captivity and back to rebuilding their land. Cuses are people who are not necessarily saved but God uses their voices as instruments of change. These are secular people who God knows by name, and all of a sudden, I saw a list in the spirit; but it was a media hit list and upon it were various names, effective voices deemed a threat. These were not chrisy voices. These were challenges to the status quo using their mouths in the year of the mouth and the enemy needed to gag them before 2030. I only saw a few of these names and these they formed part of a 2024 - 2025 hit list and many of them were in court, many of them were having their past dredged up but the Spirit of God says they were marked because they have an ability to create change. These were some of the names I saw. Elon Musk. I saw Dana White. I saw Russell Brand. I saw Jorda Peterson. I saw Matthew Mccon. These names were being accused of things and again their pasts were being dredged up like unwashed laundry because they were deemed too dangerous for a 2030 agenda. There is a fight in the spirit and a Jezebel spirit has been unleashed against voices both secular and spiritual that would challenge the status quo. And the Spirit of God says this battle will spill into to the church for many will fight leadership in this next few seasons saying and thinking they're doing it in the name of the Lord. That the Spirit of God says, this will be a year where we see brother betray brother and Christian rise up against their leaders drawing blood saying these men can bleed, but the Spirit of God says I will hold you accountable to the very words that you release. Some will be activated to the knowledge of their assignments and others will not. The Lord says watch in 2024 as Cosmic phenomenon begins to depict a season change as wonders in the heaven begin to show forth the spectacle that will cause the Earth to wonder for there is an acceleration and the cosmos shall know it for 2025 shall be a Midway intersection and 2024 shall be a preparatory season. For you to cross over in 2024, the conversation will be viruses, but it will not be the viruses we experienced in 2020, but not just the viruses that we've seen before; and I'm not saying those things will not be because they will but there will also be talks of cyber viruses and there will be talks of cyber wars and some will say is this deliberate for nation shall speak of other nations hacking their securities, breaching their firewalls and their digital walls; and war will shift and there will be talks within the next few years of weapons that can put entire cities into blackout. The Lord then took me in a vision to China. I saw top secret plans by Chinese intelligence agencies. I saw them working out what would happen if they tried to accelerate the plan to take back Taiwan and what would be a good military deterrent against the United States. I saw conversations about cyber attacks and military grade artificial intelligence. I saw technologies being held in of a plan of us to try to subvert plans of China to take back Taiwan who had scheduled their invasion for 2025. I saw alliances between Australia, United States, United Kingdom surrounding especially the South China Sea, the Pacific Ocean and I saw them uniting forces together in Le of Chinese Communist Party potential attack. Now we know China is not the enemy. We know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but I believe that this next war is going to be the wars of boundaries and I saw the Lord in the spirit declare war. We were stepping into the precipice of what nations did not know was a time to beat your plowshares into swords for the Lord says these shall be the years of the boundary wars and I will also teach my bride to war and deliver her of her complacency for war is brewing says the Lord and it shall be the reset of the boundaries of nations for when you hear the news China has entered Taiwan territory when you hear hear the news Russia seeks plans beyond Ukraine, when you hear the news Iraq and Iran seek plans against Israel know that a new clock has started, not one counting up, but the Lord says one counting down and for this I will say to My bride again beat your plowshares into swords for the church will shift out of its domestic congregational assignment into its will the force anointing and the church will become a place of welfare, wartime and wisdom by the time I am through with her. For thus says the Lord, watch as I put Saudi Arabia on the map. Watch as I renew her image around the world and bring the world to her for in a little while you will see the new thing that I am doing in the midst of Arabia for I am opening a gate with way wide and you will see a harvest time has come for Saudi will be a world stage and many shall flop (flow [sic]) to it, but I will say can the desert become a pool of life? Can I call the voices of John the Baptist back to the deserts to call out a people for my purpose? Texas the Lord says I have made you a country. Texas I will make you a remnant nation and although many will try to strip you of your inheritance, I will say, Texas, you are my remnant and you are my oil, says the Lord for I will preserve you as a remnant for the nations and many shall say let us go there for our sanctuary; let us go there for our sanity, for from you oh Texas, I call a star that will not wonder but will be led by Me for you are a loaded gun getting ready to be shot by Me and I will make you an apostolic and sending nation for the sake of America and the world. Now listen, I hope you've enjoyed this prophetic word the Bible says that we're supposed to publish the word and send it out I believe every one of you now has a responsibility what do you do with prophetic words you don't wait for them the Bible says you War for them I'm encouraging you to pick up the transcript of this prophetic word with my seven prophetic secrets for 2024 it's a free book that's going to give you strategies for how to partner with God in 2024 I'm going to lay it out clearly put verbs in my sent of things the Lord has told me as a strategic Apostolic weapon that you can carry in your hand and if you follow it blueprints I believe you're sure going to succeed. (YouTube transcript slightly edited.)
*PRAYING FOR 2024 AND BEYOND* For the past five years, I have asked the Lord in times of prayer and fasting to show me anything coming in the next year or beyond. By the grace and fear of God, I want to highlight some of the prophecies I have been shown for 2024 and beyond. I say, “2024 and beyond” because some prophecies are conditional, and their fulfillment is often determined by if and how we pray. We saw this when Nineveh repented, and God relented from a planned disaster (see Jonah 3:10). Some prophecies I have already shared, but we need to pray into these in 2024. In a May 13, 2022, encounter, I was shown that two children of the Cold War would be removed or taken from power: U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Both will happen fairly close together. Pray for who will replace Putin and that Putin will turn to God in repentance. Pray also for Joe Biden to repent, turn to God, and have a Damascus Road experience. On February 16, 2019, I saw a devastating earthquake hit the nation of Italy. It was a sign of the shaking happening in Rome and the Vatican. I share this now because I believe this will be the year. The time the earthquake happens will be close to the time this shaking happens in the Roman Catholic Church. This should not surprise us given that the current pope just gave priests and bishops the right to bless same-sex couples. This physical shaking will be a sign of institutional shaking. In 2022, I saw that China will try to attack Taiwan militarily. We’re already starting to see this happen, but it will become even more pronounced. I saw a naval conflict in the South China Sea. China will be blamed but will claim it was an accident. The U.S. will be affected as well. We are already at war with China; we just don’t know it yet. I saw a major earthquake hit California that will affect nearly the entire state. God is shaking the bonds of wickedness off California, but to do this, the earth will literally shake to break free from deeply entrenched principalities that are attached to the geography of that area. This will affect Hollywood and many other places. I prophesied last December that the events of January 6, 2021, will be reexamined and that newfound information will surface. This event will be seen as a clandestine operation with foreign money peddling its influence. House Speaker Mike Johnson will release the tapes. If he does this and it’s seen that things were done that should not have been done, people will have more sympathy for those with insurrection charges. This one really concerns me: I saw a mass criminal attack on a migrant caravan south of the U.S. border, and it was not good. People who were migrating to the U.S. were viciously attacked and killed with the intent of scaring migrants away. What I ascertained from this vision was the cartels did this in retaliation for the cartels not being allowed to control who was trafficked through the Mexican/U.S. border. I am praying against this. A candidate for U.S. president will experience an assassination attempt. So, we’re praying against an assassination attempt on a U.S. presidential candidate, no matter who it is. Benjamin Netanyahu’s time as prime minister of Israel is almost over. This pains me, but the current Israel-Hamas war will enlarge to Israel’s north and east to not only fight Hamas but also Hezbollah in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. We need to pray for the right leader to replace him when this happens. China, realize it or not, is on the verge of crumbling. I know the media does not project this, but there will be an internal revolution. In fact, I believe COVID-19 was either released or allowed to stop the people from rioting and bringing about a revolution in 2020. That is why there were harsh lockdowns after that. A major marker of this internal revolution will be the end of President Xi Jinping’s rule. In 2021, the Lord showed me Russia would invade Ukraine and China would attempt to invade Taiwan. A Marxist bully spirit is trying to rise up on earth with totalitarian power. Pray against this and against China invading Taiwan. In November 2022, the Lord showed me the Hunter Biden case would take a prominent place in the news and tremendously hurt his father. Joe Biden will lose power and will be out of the 2024 election. His health will continue to fail, and Kamala Harris will be in power for a short time. If he finishes his term, I will apologize. I stand by this because I genuinely believe God showed me this multiple times. I believe many of these prophecies will happen. I just don’t know when, and the level of their fulfillment can be determined by how people pray. I believe prayer is what has kept this world from ending a long time ago. © MorningStar Fellowship Church - Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 30-0499380
[Father of the modern-day Prophetic Movement that started in 1988. President of Christian International (C.I.).] *Bishop Bill Hamon: 2024 Word of the Lord | What is God saying?* I want to bring some things out in the Book of Job that God spoke to me about our time and season. Let me say this. For the last six years, the Lord showed me... God started an open door and a process of testing the saints to see who was going to be ready for what He's going to start doing in (20)24. I mean I hope before I get through and everybody speaks to you tonight, you'll get a vision of what's about to happen in (20)24. It's a whole new level. It's a whole new day. It's a whole new thing; and I want to share that with you.... Let's go into the Book of Job.... Let me read you. We'll start out with chapter one. Now there was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job and that man was blameless. Listen to this, he was blameless and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil. Blameless! Now, some in the old Faith Movement tried to write books of seven reasons why Job went through what he went through, but here, God says there's no cause and he's perfect and right by My sight; and I don't have a thing against him. Also, and so, he had seven sons and three daughters; also his possessions were 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 donkeys and 500 yokes of oxen. And he had all these .... he was the greatest of all the people of the East. This man was wealthy. He owned, I mean, he was a big dealer and had all this and prospered. And verse six, and now there was a day, have you ever had one of those? And there was a day, and everyone's going to have something and there was a day you're going to be tested to your degree, you're going to be checked out to see if you love God more than you love anything else. Now look, what it says now. There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them and the Lord said to Satan, From where do you come? Satan answered the Lord and said, I've been going up and down the earth and walking back and forth. I didn't know he walked around. I thought he just was able to space travel but he sound like he did a lot of walking... Now, notice God brought up Job to Satan. Verse 8. Then the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? How many would like for God to be talking about you up in heaven: have you considered my servant Joe, John, Susie? You know, I wouldn't want it be if it's a Job conversation but ... then the Lord said to Satan have you considered my servant Job there's none like him on the earth, none like him on the earth, he's blameless upright and one that fears God and shuns evil? I mean, with a good report like that you shouldn't have to go through anything. should you? ... So Satan answered the Lord and said does Job fear God for nothing. He says ... why wouldn't Job serve you? You made him the richest man in the area. You've given him seven sons, three daughters. You've given him these homes. He's got his own big home. He's got guest homes. He's got all this wealth. Who wouldn't serve You if You did all that for them? And now notice this verse 10. I want you to get this truth here. He said, ... have you not made a hedge around him, around his household and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands and his possessions have increased in the land. Get this principle. There's a Job principle here that brought out even though Satan said it; but he gives us insight. What he had to face... God has a hedge around every one of us and the only way the devil can get to us is if God decides to allow us be afflicted or pressured a little bit in some area to develop his nature and character within us and pass the test and so we want to see that during the last five, six years, since 2018, the Lord showed me He started this test for the journey where we had the pandemic. We had all the things going on in the world, all over the world and it was dealing with things.... You couldn't go to Church some places and the schools got affected and businesses were affected and the whole world was affected. It's kind of like we're going to see later who said to God the whole world was going to be tested; and so God, this was the situation, but listen to what Satan says: He just serving you for the goodies, but now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will surely curse you to your face. And the Lord said to Satan, okay. One of us is going to be a liar. You're saying he'll curse me to my face. I'm saying, Do what you can do to him and he will stay true to me. He got faith in Job. How many believe God has faith in you? You don't want as much faith as He had in Job. Okay. The Lord said to Satan, Behold all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person. So, Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. Okay. Sometimes, you like to know what's going on in heaven, and sometimes you'd rather not know even something like this. Now, notice verse 13. Now there was a day when the sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house. This is Job's seven sons and three daughters, and a messenger came to Job and said, The oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them when the Saans raided them and took them away indeed they've killed all the servants with edge of the sword and and stowing all the animals and I alone have escaped to tell you. He just gets through saying that, and while he was still speaking another also came and said the fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep all 7,000 ... and the servants and consumed them and I alone am escaped to tell you; while he was ... still speaking another came up and said the Chans formed three bands raided the camels and took them away all 3,000 and killed the servants with the edge of sword and I alone have escaped to tell you; now while he was still speaking another also came and said your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house and suddenly, a hurricane, I mean, a tornado came with great wind from across the wilderness and the four corners of the house and it fell on the young people, crush the house, and he said, and they are dead; and I alone have escaped to tell you. Then Job arose, tore his robe and shaved his head and fell to his ground and worshiped. Also he said, Naked I came for my mother's womb and naked I'll go, return. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this, Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. Now, I want you to stop and think about this. You watched television and over some of these like in California, there's that fire that hit that city and it just burned home after home, and they just got up, rushed. All they could do is grab what they had on and take off and they come back and everything they owned was ashes, burned down. And we've seen tornadoes come through cities and just obliterate, blow houses right off their foundation and they come back and everything they had is gone. And how do you handle that? ... Now listen, ... think of all the wealth he had and it's all in one day — 24-hour period. He loses all plus seven sons and three daughters. Now try to grasp that if you possibly can put yourself in that state, what would you do if somebody came and told you your children were doing this and this happened and this happened and that happened and everything's gone? Well, what did Job do? [... read my book on your highest calling and ... understood why these things like this happen.] Now, let me show you and uh this went on for a year and next year the sons of God — angels — came and the devil came along with them. Notice, the devil even has to give account to God. Remember, the devil ... he's a fallen angel and he's subject to God, too; and all these other angels are coming through, and he sneaked in. By the way, know this, you can have the thoughts of God come, flow ... through in your mind, if you don't watch out the devil slip his thought, and so, you don't swallow, hook, [line] and sinker as God ever thought that comes to your mind. But then, there was another time, there was another day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; and Satan came also among them to present himself to the Lord, and the Lord said to Satan, (listen) says the same identical words, From where did you come? Satan answered the Lord and said, From going to and fro in the earth and from walking back and forth. .... The Lord said to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil and still he holds fast to his integrity although you incited me against him to destroy him without cause? Everybody say: "Without cause." According to God's testimony, and so Satan answered the Lord and said, Skin for skin. All that a man has, he'll give for his life. He said, Job wouldn't care about his possessions. All he cares about — his own self. He didn't care about his kids. He didn't care about his possessions. All he cares about is his comfort. Let me touch him physically, and he'll curse you to your face. And God said, okay. Well, again, one of us is going to be a liar. It's going to be you. He said you can do everything that you can. Half kill him, three quarters kill him, but you can't kill him. You distract him with whatever you want.... And the Lord said to Satan, Behold, he's in your hand and spare his life. So, Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with painful boils from the soles of his feet unto the crown of his head. There was no place ... comfortable. They had all these horizons all over him, and then his wife said to him, Do you still hold your integrity, curse God and die. And I heard the Lord say, Which way would you respond? Would you respond with, "I've lost all my children; I've lost all my wealth; I've lost all my friends; I've lost everything God"? And she had resentment. She had anger. She had sorrow. She had grief. And she blamed God. 'God did it all.' How have you responded to your Job experience? Job fell down and worshiped God. His friends tried and comforted him; and they sat there for seven days and never said a word. And Job said to his wife, You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversary? In all this, Job did not sin with his lips; and so many Christians, when they go through it sin with their lips. That's the reason, I wrote this book on "YOUR HIGHEST CALLING." Because once you understand God's purpose and God's process, you'll never ask why that happened to me. Again, you'll know why because Romans 8:27 and 28 it says all things 28,29 all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. That good is not better improvement. That good is Christlike God's nature and character. *[Romans 8:28-29 KJV, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. [29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.]* Everything that happens to your life helps to make your eternal man, that you're going to spend eternity with, to be more like Jesus Christ, and I've gone through some terrific trials and tests. How many's ever gone through a real heart-breaking, mind-blowing world-shaking ....? Let me see your hand? How many have? Oh, several, several. How did you respond? "Why God? I can't take this! I can't go through anymore! Oh God, what, how come we lost it all, bankrupt, house was burned everything's gone!" You need Job's revelation; and you need to understand how God works. See, the Bible says Psalm 11:5 God test the righteous and and it says that he tries it (them [sic]). *[Psalm 11:5 KJV, The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.]* There are about 20 Scriptures that reveal this as examples, and God's out to make you like Jesus, even if He kills you, and you got to realize this. So, for the last six years, the first four was physical thing like Job. That's what the Lord revealed to me to convey this to you of what's going on in the world and what's been happening with the Church and the Church went through all of that. You know, a lot of people couldn't even come because it only allow so many people. Then other, they got home watching by streaming. Then 're listen to churches all over the world. They tell me 30, probably 30% of their people never came back. They just gotten used to getting up in their pajamas and eating breakfast and watch the program and sit around relaxed, and easy so much simpler than having to get dressed go to Church, stand up and sing, pray and then sat and listen to the preaching, you know; and it didn't really affect the Church. Many people who got tested and tried and what we're going through in this last six years have been determined if we get on all the blessings, the miracles, the signs, the wonders and all that's about to take place now in 2024. And, I want to bring up some other things to you on this. Now, let me just talk a little bit about the word of the Lord, God gave me for CI. If you have your Bible, again, turn to Revelation. And there are seven letters to seven churches; and for 30 years, I've been going throughout the world, and God told me wherever I was on Sunday morning is not to preach my favorite sermon or teach my favorite subject, but to give the word of the Lord for the Church, in words whatever God would say. If he was there, I was to get the word of the Lord for the Church. And, I've been doing that for 30 years; and a few places, I had the Lord give me different letters to the Churches to apply to that Church, and I had a few of them.... A few of them, I had the letter to Philadelphia, but I'd never had it for CI, but God said it's for CI now for 2024. [*Letter to Philadelphia* Revelation 3:7-13 KJV This is the word of the Lord for CI and for the Church and for God's people. So, listen to what it says. I'm going to just hit highlights on it and we got to hurry because Jesus coming soon; and I know you want to go to heaven, be good for nothing, but stick around, you're going to be good for something and you're going to be used of God finally. Amen. Now, look what it says and to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia right these things say he who is Holy, he who is true. Now when God gives me a scripture or illustration or it's all that applies to us. So, He's revealing His nature and character of holy (holiness [sic]). He reveals a different part of Himself to each Church. He writes to express a different part of Himself and for the Philadelphia church, was: I am the one who is holy and true. So, that means this year 2024, we're going to come to a new level of holiness. Holiness is the character of Christ. Holiness is being like Jesus. And the Bible says follow holiness, without all peace with all men and holiness with without which no man will see the Lord. *[Hebrews 12:14 KJV, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:]* And 2 Corinthians 7:1 says cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of the flesh, perfecting holiness in fear of God. *[2 Corinthians 7:1 KJV, Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.]* Then it says be holy for I am holy. *[1 Peter 1:15-16 KJV, But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; [16] Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.]* And Jesus said in Matthew 5, Be perfect therefore even as your Father in heaven is perfect. *[Matthew 5:48 KJV, Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.]* And so, God's demanding the holiness. I don't know, probably all of you are living holy; and don't have a problem in the world, but let me tell you, you may think you're in good shape; and you may will say like the Church of Laodicean: I'm rich, well increased. I'm spiritual. I'm doing this and other, but if you ain't, God exposed to you, you find there's a level he's expecting you to come into that you've never known before. You know, even though I've been in the ministry 70 years and I'm getting ready to turn 90 in July, I still looking to be more holy, more like Christ and press it into greater things. So then, it says he who is true, and Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life. And I'm just going to say that you can preach hours on all of this; but it's true, God wants you to be true to God, true to yourself and true to life and people. So many saints are not true. They're not trustworthy. They don't follow through. They don't do. God wants [us] to be true and holy. Now, look what it says again, He who is holy, true. He who has the key of David. You've heard preaching on the key of David, but the key of David has a lot of notches on it. David was a warrior. David was a worshipper. David was a lover of God. David, you know, was a musician; and David loved God and this was faithful and he originally righteous. He had a chance to kill Saul several times and wouldn't take it. ... I want to emphasize the nature of David, on that, not on the key of warrior. In 2024, we're moving to a new level and we're facing new devils, new situations; and we're going to have to come to a new level of spiritual warfare, greater than we've ever done before. I wrote the book on it that we're God's weapons of war. I've read nations in corporate warfare. And you need to know how to battle. If you don't know how to battle in the spirit old pray and won't get the job done. Jesus, bless me. Father, have your will and you got to get the mind of the Lord. Get the enemy and go at it and take him out... I told you in 2016, when the Army of the Lord Movement was birthed that He took the Church from defensive to offensive. We've got the ball and we're running with it. We're heading for a touchdown and we're not just trying to defend ourselves; we're trying to attack and take back and restore and build and demonstrate the kingdom of God. And then, it says He who has the Key of David. He who opens and no one shuts, and He shuts and no one opens. You have an open door. if you've been going through this process and overcoming and you pass the test, you've come into 2024 with an open door that the devil, man, no one can shut. I'm looking for an open door this year.... I don't know about your family, but the Hamon family has been going through it. So it makes me, I'm kind of happy because it makes me think He knows we're going to do something. He knows he's got to stop us or we're going to affect his kingdom, we're going to establish God's kingdom, bring forth new revelation and new truth. You know, it's not a bad sign when all hell breaks loose against you. It's a good sign. That means the devil is nervous about you. How many hope the devil is nervous about you, and you say, Well, I don't want to create any trouble. Oh, you want to be his friend? The only way you cannot have trouble is not to be a friend of God, but be a friend of the devil. But, listen well, I've tried to get people to go on warfare. Listen saints, we got to get a holy fear of God and a holy wrath against the devil. We got to get ready to "destroy" him and take him out, amen, in your personal life, in your marriage, in your ministry, and every area; and then it says, he who shuts the door and no man could open and then it says, I know your works. Say, "God knows my works. God knows my works." For I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength and have kept my word and have not denied my name. Now, He set before us an open door and all we have to do every other letter to the Churches, they had to repent, get back their first love or they had to get, adjust some things, but, this is the only Church where He didn't bring up a negative, that they were doing wrong. The only thing they had to do was walk through the door. Now, there's a door open here in 2024 and I tell you you want to go through that door. I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are charismatic prophetic Jews, but, they are not. But, indeed, I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you. You have kept My word and My command to persevere. Now, you watch it in the days to come. You're going to see people acknowledging the prophetic real. You're going to see leaders looking for prophets to come give them the word of the Lord because we're about to enter a stage in time in history where nobody's going to know what to do, which way to turn; like Jesus said there are war, rumors of wars, pestilence all kind of things going on. It's intensifying and it's going to be dark dark dark in the world, but bright bright bright in the Church! So, you need to get on God's side and stay on God's side, amen. And then, it says that he's going to persevere and worship then. He said because you've kept my command and persevered, I will also keep you from the hour of trial. Everybody say 'hour of trial.' There's going to be an hour of trial. We've had days, weeks. We've had months. We've had years of trial lately. Now, He says, but I am coming. I'm coming quickly; hold fast to what you have and let no man take your crown. Wow! No man take your crown, my crown or calling. You can substitute crown for calling. My calling was to restore prophets and apostles and teach, train, activate, mature saints in the prophetic ... And he who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the house of my God.... I will write on him my name, the name of my God and the name of the city of my great God, New Jerusalem which comes down out of Heaven from God and I will write on him my new name and he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Church. Now, I want you to know about the overcomers there in Romans 8:17. It talks about it says that if we're children then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. Everything's in three steps or three stages. We're in stage three. Now we're in the third, but it says here that we're to persevere, overcome and be Overcomers. And so, there are saints that are children of God. That's level one. Level two or heirs of God. Level three is joint heirs. Joint heirs are those who are going to co-labour with Christ, rule and reign with Christ, be in places of responsibility and positions in God's eternal Kingdom and eternal world and eternity to come. I'm not just interested in making it in. I want to give everything to Jesus. He gave His all for me. And he sacrificed everything and I want to be conformed to His image and likeness. God told me one day. I said God when I wrote the book, I think, on this third Reformation in Great Awakening. I said Lord, "What do I need yet to be like Christ Jesus?" After these 70 years, there must be some what else; and he says Bill Hamon, "I want you to trust Me more!" I said "What do you mean? I trust you I've been trusting you for 65 years (I think at that time)." And he says, *"No, no. You, you know My word and you quote My word, but you don't trust Me. If you trust Me, you act on it. I want you to start acting on the word and believe you can do what I tell you you can do, you have what I tell you you have.* *"And I want you to raise up miracle workers. I want to raise up people that will do the Kingdom glory and power and justice."* So, we're coming into *the last move of God which is the the Kingdom Establishing Movement.* We're in *the Army of the Lord Movement* right now; and we're getting ready to come into that, and I want you to be ready. I want you to be prepared; and you might be content just to make it in... There's a lot of people just going to make it in like the thief on the cross. ... And I said, "Well Lord, what else?" He said, "I want to be able to trust you just like I trusted my Son, Jesus Christ. He only did the will of the Father; and I want to be able to give you an assignment and you do it just the way I want. Don't try to talk yourself into what it should be and interpret it. I want you to get to the place you exactly do what I want done and do it My way, and do it dedicated, and be willing to pay the price whatever it takes to be dead to self and live in the spirit." And I said, "Okay Lord. I got a little way to go yet. I don't know about you, but I got some more to do and I expect in the next five years or so to grow tremendously... He said in Revelation 17:14, it said the enemy was trying to overcome the Saints and the Lamb of God, and it said the Lamb who was King of kings and Lord of lords overcame and subdued the enemy with His Saints which he called chosen and faithful. *[Revelation 17:14 KJV, These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.]* These are the three things I want you to really do: know your calling, know you're chosen and be faithful to press on, to press in and to be and to do. *Prayer* I want you to lay your hands on your heart. I want to pray for you. Lord, you're raising up an army of saints in these last days. You're raising up joint heirs and co-laborers, those that you can trust to establish your kingdom, demonstrate your kingdom and see your kingdom come, and your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Lord, you've got so much planned for this year of 2024, none of us want to miss it, Lord. We're moving to a whole new level, whole new dimension, a whole new area. God, it's just beyond comprehension and everything you did in the Old Testament, you're going to do now plus, and Lord, we're going to see all you did in the Old Testament: say walking on the water, rolling back the Red Sea and protecting Israel in the land of .... we're going to have these experiences as we come into all these days that's coming of great persecution, wars, bombs, even when bombs start falling in America we're going to trust You ... and trust you as Psalm 91, and Lord, right now, I just pray that this will be born of God, speak it into every heart and spirit. Let this take root, and let it grow. Let it produce the mighty men of God and mighty women of God, and you brought them out tonight to hear all this word of the Lord from me and others. And God, don't let it just go in the one ear and out the other. Don't let it just become head knowledge; get it down in the spirit, and let it grow and be a seed that will grow to be a plant. A victorious overcoming overcomer because you say only the overcomer rules and reigns. So, Lord we agree and decree for it now in Jesus' name and if you agree to that say a big amen. Halleluyah! God bless you. Love you. (YouTube transcript carefully edited.)
2 Chr.7.14 NLT *Let's repent of our sins, humble ourselves and turn these prophecies to prayer points!*
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